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全球环境和发展问题,是世界各国共同关心的焦点。在今天的世界上,既面临着全球环境恶化的严峻挑战和威胁,也存在着繁荣和发展的机遇和活力。如何迎接挑战,有效地解决环境问题,实现持续发展的目标,使我们的子孙后代能够有一个永续利用和安居乐业的星球,是人类必须作出的回答和抉择。占世界人口大多数的发展中国家,有着十分相近的经济背景和共同的发展要求,在解决全球环境与发展问题的进程中,可以互相借鉴、加强合作,为谋求全人类协调一致的行动, The issue of global environment and development is a common concern of all countries in the world. In today’s world, both the challenges and threats posed by the deteriorating global environment are faced with the opportunities and vitality for prosperity and development. How to meet challenges, effectively solve environmental problems and achieve the goal of sustainable development so that our children and grandchildren can have a planet that can be used, lived and used in a sustainable way are the answers and choices that mankind must make. The developing countries that make up the majority of the world’s population have very similar economic background and common development requirements and can learn from each other and strengthen cooperation in the process of resolving the global environment and development issues. In order to seek concerted actions of all mankind,
本文证明,陆源岩层中的含碳物质是有助于金从热液中沉淀的地球化学障。 This paper demonstrates that the carbonaceous material in terrigenous rocks is a geochemical
患者男,60岁,心悸时心电图(图1)如下,请根据心电图作出相应分析和诊断。(邸成业提供,答案在本刊第488页) Male patient, 60 years old, palpitations ECG (Figure 1) as fol
Background Oxidative stress plays an important role in atherogenesis,which raises the possibility of using antioxidants to ameliorate atherosclerosis.In this re