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目的:了解原发性开角型青光眼视觉电生理和计算机自动视野检查结果的变化特点并对其视功能状况进行综合分析,以寻找比较敏感和特异的参数,为原发性开角型青光眼较早期(视野改变出现前)和早期诊断提供依据。方法:对36例(70眼)原发性开角型青光眼患者、8例(12眼)可疑性青光眼患者、30例(60眼)正常对照者分别进行视网膜振荡电位(OPs)、视网膜电图(PERG)、视诱发电位(PVEP)和Humphery计算机自动视野检查。结果:在原发性开角型青光眼视野改变出现前,PERG的异常率较高,而于疾病的早期、中期和晚期,则表现为自动视野和PERG的异常率较高。原发性开角型青光眼患者OPs与C/D负相关,与视野指数、眼压和视力无相关性;PERG振幅与视野指数和眼压负相关,与C/D和视力无相关性;PVEP潜伏期与视野指数和C/D正相关,而与眼压无相关性。结论:统计学结果提示,对原发性开角型青光眼不同的表现形式,可选用不同的视功能检查指标。在视野改变出现前,如眼底未见明显改变,仅表现为眼压升高,PERG可能为比较敏感的参考指标;而一旦眼底发生改变,尽管眼压不高,可考虑选用OPs或PVEP作为观察指标。对早期、中期和晚期青光眼,PERG和自动视野的诊断和监测价值较好。联合多种视功能检查对原发性开角型青光眼早期或较早期(视野改变出现前)诊断具? OBJECTIVE: To investigate the changes of visual electrophysiology and computerized automatic visual field examination in primary open-angle glaucoma and to analyze the status of visual function in order to find more sensitive and specific parameters for primary open-angle glaucoma Early (before changes in visual field) and early diagnosis provide the basis. Methods: Thirty-six patients (70 eyes) with primary open-angle glaucoma, 8 patients (12 eyes) with suspicious glaucoma, and 30 normal subjects (60 eyes) underwent OPs, (PERG), visual evoked potential (PVEP) and Humphery computer automatic field test. RESULTS: Prior to visual field changes in primary open-angle glaucoma, the abnormal rate of PERG was high, whereas in early, mid-term, and late stages of disease, there was a higher rate of abnormalities in PERG. OPs in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma were negatively correlated with C / D and had no correlation with visual field index, intraocular pressure and visual acuity; PERG amplitude was negatively correlated with visual field index and intraocular pressure and had no correlation with C / D and visual acuity; PVEP Latency and visual field index and C / D positive correlation, but no correlation with intraocular pressure. Conclusion: Statistical results suggest that different manifestations of primary open-angle glaucoma may choose different visual function test indicators. In the visual field before the change, such as no significant change in the fundus, only showed elevated intraocular pressure, PERG may be more sensitive reference index; and once the fundus changes, despite the intraocular pressure is not high, consider the choice of OPs or PVEP as observation index. For early, middle and late glaucoma, PERG and automatic visual field diagnosis and monitoring of better value. Combined with a variety of visual function tests for primary open-angle glaucoma early or early (before visual field changes) diagnosis?