,A First-Principles Investigation of the Carrier Doping Effect on the Magnetic Properties of Defecti

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liying09
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The carrier doping effects on the magnetic properties of defective graphene with a hydrogen chemisorbed singleatom vacancy (H-GSV) are investigated by performing extensive spin-polarized first-principles calculations.Theoretical results show that the quasi-localized pz-derived states around the Fermi level are responsible for the weakened magnetic moment (MM) and magnetic stabilized energy (MSE) of the H-GSV under carrier doping.The mechanism of reduced MSE in the carrier doped H-GSV can be well understood by the Heisenberg magnetic coupling model due to the response of these pz-derived states to the carrier doping.Within the examined range of carrier doping concentration,the total MM of H-GSV is always larger than 1.0μB with μB representing the Bohr magneton,which is mainly contributed by the localized sp2 states of the unsaturated C atom around the vacancy.These findings of H-GSV provide fundamental insight into defective graphene and help to understand the related experimental observations.
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