一则振奋人心的消息在国内传播:中国在高清技术领域终于有了一个称雄世界的自主知识产权。今年2月23日,国家信息产业部在其网站上正式发布了中国《高密度激光视盘系统技术规范》,将 EVD 列为国家电子行业推荐性标准。这是历经五年之久极其艰难的攻关、测评、审查、争议和协调之后,中国在高清技术领域首次打破国外公司的垄断地位而取得的第一个属
An exciting news spread in China: China finally has its own proprietary intellectual property in the field of high-definition technology. February 23 this year, the State Ministry of Information Industry on its website officially released China’s “high-density laser disk system technical specifications”, the EVD as the national electronics industry recommended standards. This is the first case that China has made in breaking the dominance of foreign companies in the field of high-definition technology for the first time after five years of extremely difficult research, assessment, review, dispute resolution and coordination