6米14这是布勃卡创造的第17个男子撑罕跳世界纪录。 彼得堡失意的布勃卡,在第3届友好运动会其它项目还在激烈进行时,他立即飞赴意大利参加了塞斯特列埃的田径大奖赛,一举成为这里唯一打破世界纪录的选手,把他自己1992年9月3日在日本东京创造的6.13米纪录又提高了一厘米。 当被誉为“飞翔的乌克兰人”,驾驶着刚刚到手的奖品费里拉跑车绕场一周时,全场观众欢声雷动,庆祝这位当代最杰出的撑竿跳选手的新成就。此时此刻的布勃卡,兴奋之情溢于言表,而他眼窝中的热泪
6 m 14 This is the 17th man in the world who is in the middle of the world. In the frenzied time of the other projects of the 3rd Friendship Games, Peterborough frustrated Bubka, immediately flew to Italy to participate in the Sestriere’s track and field Grand Prix, making it the only player to break the world record here. His 6.13 meter record, created on September 3, 1992 in Tokyo, Japan, increased another centimeter. Known as the “Flying Ukrainians,” driving a flew winners Ferrari Formula One racing car for a week, audiences thundered to celebrate the new success of this most prominent pole vault player. At this moment Bubka, excitement overflowing with words, while the tears in his eye socket