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潜在写作是当代中国文学中一种特殊而重要的写作现象 ,即作家写作的是在当时不是为了发表也无法发表的文学作品 ,其中不少提供了公开文学中缺少的艺术与精神质素。潜在写作与公开文学一起 ,构成时代文学多层次性的内涵。本论文导论部分讨论 1 949— 1 976年的潜在写作的概念、研究思路、材料的真实性、出现的原因、主要的作家群、发展的趋势、分类、评价与文学史地位问题。正文部分研究这一时期比较有典型性的“胡风集团”作家的潜在写作 ,指出在整体上胡风集团作家的潜在写作都有一定的精神自传性 ,表现了一种苦难中的坚守精神和个人主体性的回归 ,其中最优秀的作家则实现了从现实战斗精神向现代反抗意识的转变。论文并通过具体作家作品的探讨 ,指出在整体一致的情况下作家精神的不同侧重点。论文最后在二十世纪文学史的背景下讨论了胡风集团潜在写作的意义 ,指出在与“战争文化规范”的冲突中 ,“五四”新文化传统似乎全军覆没 ,可是“胡风集团”作家的潜在写作表明 ,作为一种精神传统 ,它并没有自行消失 ,而是隐入地下 ,以“个人话语”的方式继续顽强存在 ;而从知识分子的精神谱系来看 ,胡风集团作家的潜在写作的意义不仅仅是文学史的 ,更让我们思考自鲁迅以来的“以生命写作、抗争”的精神传统。 Potential writing is a special and important writing phenomenon in contemporary Chinese literature. That is to say, writers did not write or publish literary works at the time, many of them lacked the artistic and spiritual qualities in open literature. Potential writing and open literature together constitute the multi-layered connotation of the times literature. The introductory part of this dissertation discusses the concept of potential writing, research ideas, material authenticity, reasons for emergence, major group of writers, trend of development, classification, evaluation and literary history status from 1949 to 1997. The text part studies the potential writing of “Hu Feng Group” writers who typical during this period, and points out that the potential writing of Hu Feng group writers has certain spiritual autobiographical characteristics as a whole, showing a firm commitment in misery The return of personal subjectivity, of which the best writers have realized the transformation from the fighting spirit of reality to the modern sense of resistance. Through the discussion of specific writers ’works, the thesis points out the different focuses of writers’ spirit under the condition of overall consistency. The thesis finally discusses the significance of HuFeng Group’s potential writing in the context of twentieth-century literary history. It points out that during the clashes with the “war culture norms”, the new cultural tradition of the May 4th Movement seems to be annihilated by the army. However, “Hu Feng Group The writer’s potential writing shows that as a spiritual tradition, it does not disappear on its own, but is buried in the ground and continues to exist in a ”personal discourse." According to the intellectual spectrum of intellectuals, Hu Feng’s group of writers The significance of potential writing is not only the history of literature, but also makes us think about the spiritual tradition of writing and fighting for life since Lu Xun.
去年十二月二十七日,昆明钢铁公司召开了一九八五年度文书档案工作会议。参加会议的有公司所属单位的办公室主任和文书档案干部共八十余人。会上交流了凉亨轧钢 On Decembe
1986年9日,渡口市城市建设档案馆与攀枝花钢铁公司的工程财务处、档案管理处共同签订了《关于征收攀钢“二期”工程建设竣工资料保证金》的协议书。协议规定: On September