
来源 :黑龙江档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:terrychou
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信息技术的发展以及广泛应用,使档案工作发生了历史的变化。它简化了档案形成初期的繁琐整理,弱化了档案传统管理繁杂的环节和流程,强化了档案检索,带动了档案设施、档案装具、档案库房建设的现代化;档案安全体系建设也得到了明显改善,服务手段、服务水平得到显著提升;档案资源体系与服务体系建设发生了根本性变化,为档案工作可持续发展提供了新保障;为档案理论创新与实践创新提供了新内容;为 The development of information technology and its wide application have caused historical changes in the work of archives. It simplifies the tedious process of initial formation of archives, weakens the complex links and processes of traditional archives management, strengthens the retrieval of archives and drives the modernization of the archives facilities, archives and equipment and archives building. The construction of archival safety systems has also been significantly improved, Service means and service level have been significantly improved. The fundamental changes have taken place in the construction of the file resource system and service system, providing a new guarantee for the sustainable development of archival work, providing new contents for theoretical innovation and practical innovation of archives,