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  【关键词】美国文学 时代 社会现实 社会思潮
  【Abstract】Literature is always the mirror of its times and is always rooted in certain social reality and social thoughts. Literature develops with its times. To illustrate and certify this point, this paper analyzes the American literature from Colonial period to the Post-World War I period with a focus on the relationship between literature and social reality and social thoughts.
  【Key words】American literature, times, social reality, social thoughts
  1 Introduction
  Literature is always the mirror of its times and is always rooted in certain social realty and social thoughts. This is also true with American literature and social reality and social thoughts play a most important part in the development of each literary form and stage of American literature. In order to have a better understanding of American literature, it is very important to examine the social reality and social thoughts in which American literature is rooted.
  2 How American Literature Develops with Its Times
  To start with, American Puritanism takes the dominant position in the colonial ideology. The principal reason is that the first settlers are mostly serious and religious people advocating highly religious and moralistic values and principles. Thus, influenced by these social thoughts, the literature in this period takes the form of religious and moralistic Puritanism, which mainly deals with the themes of hard work, thrift, piety, and sobriety.
  Later, in the 18th century, the colonial people are trying to break away from the British rule. On such a political background, the literature takes the form of Rationalism, which advocates reason, independence and revolutionary ideas. The writers at that time are mostly political and patriotic, reflecting the people’s strong political desires. One of the representative works in that period is Thomas Paine’s The American Crisis, which consists of a series of pamphlets and gives much impetus to North American colonies’ independence movement.
  Then, after America gains independence, America’s industry and economy begin to grow rapidly and America becomes a strong nation. With the independence and its various legal documents, American people are filled with the sense of democracy and equality. Moreover, the westward expansion also contributes to the formation of the American people’s character. All these factors together produce a strong sense of optimism and hope among the American people. Thus, the literary expression of this romantic feeling—Romanism, comes into being.The new literary form seeks moral enthusiasm and faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception. In this kind of writings, writers admire wild beauty (not man-made) and feelings (not thought). This is exactly the reflection of the contemporary reality. The romantic stage comes to an end when the Civil War breaks out.   The Civil War brings the Romantic Period to an end. Both social and political life teaches men that life is not so good. People begin to think more about the realistic world. Increasing industrialization and mechanization produce extremes of wealth and poverty. In the meantime, life for the millions is fast becoming a veritable struggle for survival. Thus, the realism comes into being in the latter half of the 19thcetury as a reflection against “the lies of Romanism”. It describes the life as it really is, whatever good or bad, and expresses the concern for the world of the commonplace. For example, Mark Twain’s works are mostly the reflections of the social life of that period, such as The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, which explores notions of race and identity and is noted for its colorful description of people and places along the Mississippi River in the 19th century.
  With the development of industry and modern science, naturalistic stage emerges. The social determiner is the fact that the development of industry and modern science makes intelligent minds begin to see that man is no longer a free ethical being in a cold, indifferent and essentially godless world. They see that life is governed by the two forces of heredity and environment, forces absolutely beyond man’s control. Therefore, naturalist writers write about this topic. Of the naturalistic writings in that period, Stephen Crane’s Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (1893) is a representative work.,which centers on Maggie, a young girl who is driven to unfortunate circumstances by poverty and solitude.
  In addition, the writings about “the Lost Generation” are also perfect illustration of the social thoughts after the World War I. Right after World War I, American youths are quickly disillusioned for they feel they have fought a senseless war. They lose their traditional moral orientation and fail to establish a new one. In gloom and despair, people find themselves living in spiritual wasteland. They become unsatisfied with the society. Many writers in this period write critical works about postwar life, such as Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to the Arms, Faulkerner’s The Sound and Fury, and Eliot’s The Waste Land. Yet in this period, American literature achieves a new diversity and reaches its greatest heights ever.
  3 Conclusion
  So far, this paper has briefly analyzed the American literature from Colonial period to the Post-World War I period with a focus on the relationship between literature and social reality and social thoughts. From the above analyses, it can be clearly seen how each stage of American literature develops with the social reality and social thought of its times and how the social factors influence the literature of each period. So, it is of great significance to look into the social factors in literature studies.
  [1]Wu, Weiren. History and Anthology of American Literature[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1990.
  [2]Chang, Yaoxin. A Survey of American Literature[M].Tianjin: Nankai University Press,2008.
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鸟叔,真名胡天磊,网易盘古游戏工作室总监 ,大型3D MMORPG游戏《天谕》制作人,浙江大学计算机科学与技术学院博士后,副教授。  鸟叔的办公室是网易大楼中再普通不过的一间屋子,简洁、干净,和工作室其他成员的办公桌仅一墙之隔。“《天谕》很多次重要讨论都是在这间办公室完成的,因为没有窗户看着特别黑,所以我们习惯叫它小黑屋。”  坐在“小黑屋”里的鸟叔,完全没有想象中游戏“大佬”的姿态,反而更像一个
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伴随着成长,友谊的定义好像一直在悄悄变化。它可能是幼儿园里那个和你吃饭吃得一样慢的男孩,也可能是暑假里陪你度过悠长夏日的闺蜜。他愿意借给你笔记,一起打游戏,想办法为一些愚蠢的事编造谎言骗过家长。她和你分享情窦初开的秘密,一起讨论音乐直到面红耳赤……难怪华盛顿会说:“真正的友情,是一株成长缓慢的植物。”  友谊不总是单纯的奉献、帮助、给予,也时常伴随着猜疑、嫉妒、背叛。也许正因为这样,文艺作品中那些
【摘 要】创意写作可以指任何形式的写作,它以一种具有想象力的、通常是独特又赋有诗意的方式,表达作者的思想和情感。创造性思维,是指写作主体围绕写作,尤其是在写作进程中,以独特新颖的思维方式,促进思维整合、转化、序化,以完成创新文本的思维。具体而言,就是要培养学生求新、求异和求活的思维能力。就小学创意写作而言,创设轻松的语境氛围,进行科学的模仿训练,组织高效的头脑风暴,完成有效的“主动求异”,是形成创
书,是人生旅途的伴侣。每个人的心里都有那么几本书,字字珠玑,影响我们的人生道路。不同身份、不同年代的人是如何阅读的?他们爱读什么书?随着时代的变迁,他们读书的方式发生改变了吗?4月23日,世界读书日到来之际,摄影师的一组镜头记录了这些变与不变。  杭州市學军中学心理教室,2001年出生的高一学生朱可正利用午休时间阅读自己喜欢的课外书。她说:“我们平时学业紧张,但我还是会在午休和周末挤出时间看看自己
英语教学的最终目的是发展学生的英语语言技能。英语写作是听、说、读、写这四个语言技能之一,是英语学习进步过程中看得见的记录。提高英语写作水平不容忽视。笔者在教学实践中将英语写作融入课堂教学,以说带写,以写促说,通过英语写作训练使说的训练得到进一步升华,实现口语表达向书面表达的转化,从而增强小学生运用所学语言的能力,有效提高英语水平。  一、小学英语写作教学的重要意义  在小学阶段,大部分英语老师都非