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国家三大经济支柱:服务业、制造业、旅游业马来西亚(Malaysia)位于东南亚,全境被南中国海分成东马来西亚和西马来西亚两部分。西马来西亚为马来亚地区,位于马来半岛南部,北与泰国接壤,西濒马六甲海峡,东临南中国海,东马来西亚为 The country’s three major economic pillars: service, manufacturing, tourism Malaysia is located in Southeast Asia, the whole territory of the South China Sea is divided into East Malaysia and West Malaysia two parts. West Malaysia is a Malayan region located in the southern Malay Peninsula, bordering Thailand on the north, the Malacca Strait on the west, the South China Sea on the east, and the East Malaysia on the east
“霸王草”紫茎泽兰已经“入侵”中国云南、广西等省区 ,所到之处寸草不生 ,牛羊中毒 ,在广西西部地区造成的危害尤为严重。目前 ,各级部门正在采取相关措施 ,力争早日将其“
俄罗斯专家研究发现 ,一些菊科植物所含的早熟素可以破坏蝗虫、蚜虫的保幼激素和多个器官的机能 ,有效抑制害虫的生长发育 ,而且不会对蜜蜂等益虫造成伤害。据俄罗斯《科学信