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近代以降,中华民族的复兴与认同经历了多种路向和选择。孙占元认为,从甲午战争到辛亥革命期间,中华民族为探索救亡图存之路进行了艰辛探索和不懈奋斗,变法图强、反帝爱国、振兴中华的疾呼,戊戌维新、义和团运动、辛亥革命的声浪,既延缓了中国社会的半殖民地化程度,也推进了近代中国走向民族复兴的历史进程。李帆认为,辛亥革命前后,是中华民族认同的关键时期。“政治民族”认同与“文化民族”认同,是考量中华民族认同的重要基点。由此而言,辛亥革命前“中华民族”并未得到普遍认可;辛亥革命后中华民国建立,才使得民族认同与国家认同统一起来,中华民族认同终得实现。俞祖华认为,在近代中国,“民族精神”概念与民族复兴观念几乎是同步生成的。民族精神体现了中华民族文化传统的深厚积淀,但其只有与时俱进、不断创新,通过摄取时代精神才能实现传统与现代、民族性与时代性的有机统一,进而汇聚成实现中华民族伟大复兴“中国梦”的精神动力。 In modern times, the rejuvenation and identification of the Chinese nation have undergone many directions and choices. Sun Zhaoyuan held that during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the Chinese nation had made arduous explorations and unremitting efforts to explore the road to salvation and save the country. , Not only delayed the degree of semi-colonization in Chinese society, but also advanced the historical process of modern China’s rejuvenation. Li Fan believes that before and after the Revolution of 1911, the Chinese nation recognized the key period. The recognition of “political ethnic” and “cultural nation” is an important starting point for considering the identity of the Chinese nation. As a result, the “Chinese nation” before the Revolution of 1911 was not universally accepted; the founding of the Republic of China after the Revolution of 1911 brought about the unification of national identity with national identity and the realization of the Chinese identity. Yu Zuhua believes that in modern China, the concept of “national spirit” is almost simultaneously generated with the concept of national rejuvenation. The national spirit embodies the profound accumulation of the Chinese nation’s cultural traditions. However, only by keeping pace with the times and innovating constantly, it is possible to realize the organic unity of tradition and modernity, nationality and the times through the ingestion of the spirit of the times, and then bring it together to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation “Chinese dream ” spiritual power.
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