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采用诱饵诱集法研究了荒地、绿化带生境中红火蚁蚁丘体积、蚁丘表面基部面积与诱集工蚁数量之间的关系.结果表明:在荒地生境中,随着蚁丘体积的增大,诱集工蚁数量表现为先迅速增加、后增大减缓、最终趋于平衡的规律,当蚁丘体积、蚁丘表面基部面积分别为11634cm3、1308cm2时,诱集工蚁数达到最大值,为每诱饵291头;在绿化带生境中,随着蚁丘体积的增大,诱集工蚁数量动态与荒地生境相似,当蚁丘体积>18089cm3时,诱集工蚁数量的增幅明显变缓,当蚁丘体积为25974cm3时,诱集工蚁数达到最大值,为每诱饵232头.韦布尔函数方程可较好地描述诱集的红火蚁工蚁数量与蚁丘体积、蚁丘表面基部面积间的关系. The relationship between the anthill area of ​​the red imported fire ant, anthill area and the number of trapping workers was studied in the habitat of wasteland and green belt by bait-trap method.The results showed that with the increase of the anthill’s size , The number of trapped workers increased rapidly at first, and then increased and then decreased. Finally, when the size of anthill and anthill surface were 11634cm3 and 1308cm2 respectively, the number of trapped workers reached the maximum In the habitat of green belts, with the increase of the anthill, the number of trapping workers is similar to that of the wildland. When the anthill size is more than 18089cm3, the increase of the number of trapped workers is obviously slowed down. When the anthill When the volume was 25974cm3, the number of trapped workers reached the maximum value of 232 for each bait, and the Weibull function equation could well describe the relationship between the number of trapped red imported fire ant workers and the anthill size and anthill surface area.
本文试图就水基压裂液用的多醣类物质—羧甲基纤维素钠和香豆子的交联机理,提出一些不同见解,供讨论。 This paper attempts to discuss the crosslinking mechanism of sod
本文从“激发学习动机、优化课堂结构、突重点化难点、选择恰当教法”等方面浅谈了对提高高职中数学课堂效率的看 This article from the aspects of “motivating learning
什么是听书? 是一个新的概念——信息接收的个性化选择;打破时空的音频革命;影响现代人新的阅读方式;是一个新的市场——为没有时间看书,或行动中的群体,或有阅读障碍的人提
本文用失重法测定了咪唑及其衍生物在盐酸溶液中对20钢的缓蚀效率。用量子化学方法优化计算了咪唑及其衍生物分子的几何构型。选取 α-Fe变体的(100)晶面上8个Fe原子作为Fe-
(一)圓錐體展開計算法 圖1甲是一個圓錐體,底圓直徑是D,斜高是R。它的展開下料圖如圖1乙所示,是個扇形。這扇形的半徑等於斜高R,那麽,這個扇形所夾的圓心角α要多大呢?我們
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