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氢氧化钠溶液与二氧化碳的反应,是初中化学中涉及的一条重要化学性质。在九年级人教版《化学》(下册)课本中,首先让学生从回忆氢氧化钙溶液与二氧化碳的反应开始,产生联想,然后直接列出了氢氧化钠与二氧化碳的反应方程式。而后教材又进一步介绍了二氧化硫、三氧化硫与氢氧化钠等一系列的反应。由于没有涉及有关的反应实验,而且反应原理又难于理解、掌握,因此,这一部分内容对于学生来说比较抽象,是课本中的难点。教学中许多教师都采取让学生死记硬背的方法,但学生往往记住后又很容易忘记。本人在实际教学中,以一堂实验课形式,通过让学生亲自动手设计并参与实验,最终在亲身经历和体验中加深理解和记忆,达到了较好的效果。以下将这节课涉及的有关实验作一总结。 The reaction of sodium hydroxide solution with carbon dioxide is an important chemistry involved in junior high school chemistry. In the 9th PEP Edition Chemistry (2) textbook, students are first reminded of the reaction between calcium hydroxide solution and carbon dioxide, resulting in association, followed by a direct listing of the reaction equation for sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide. Then the textbook further introduces a series of reactions such as sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide and sodium hydroxide. Because it is not related to the reaction experiment, and the reaction principle is difficult to understand and master, so this part of the content for students more abstract, is the textbook of the difficulties. Many teachers in teaching adopt a method of making students learn by rote, but students tend to remember it and forget it easily. In the actual teaching, I used the form of an experimental class to achieve better results by letting students design and participate in the experiment personally, and finally deepening their understanding and memory in personal experiences and experiences. The following is a summary of the experiments involved in this lesson.
[Objective] To clone Potentilla chinensis, protect wild resources and realize artificial cultivation. [Method] By using tissue culture method, the tender stems
一、前言  大学物理课是一门重要的公共基础课,作为非物理专业理工科学生的必修课,在其后续专业课学习中起着重要的作用。所以,作为非物理专业的理工科学生,学好大学物理这门课