“加强社会主义精神文明的建设”是写进我国宪法“总纲”里的。建设现代化无疑必须物质、精神两个文明一起抓,不可偏废。然而时下似乎对建设精神文明议论得少了,即在报章、文件中也不甚多见。其原因人们往往把‘精神文明“视作是文化界、教育界和青年们的事。果真是这样吗? 事实告诉我们,建设社会主义精神文明有其广阔的”天地“。在现代化建设中,”三百六十行“都离不开精神文明。从目前情况看,建设精神文明不是强调得过多,而是很不足;不是抓的多了,而是该抓的没有
”Enhancing the Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization “ is written in our Constitution ”General Program “. The construction of modernization will undoubtedly have to grasp together both material and spiritual civilizations and must not neglect it. However, there seems to be less discussion on the construction of spiritual civilization nowadays, namely in newspapers and documents. The reason for this is that people often regard ’spiritual civilization’ as a thing of the cultural world, education circles and young people. If so, the facts tell us that building a socialist spiritual civilization has its vast ’world’ In the process of construction, ”three hundred and sixty lines" are inseparable from spiritual civilization.From the current situation, the construction of spiritual civilization is not too much emphasis, but rather inadequate; not to grasp more, but the catch is not