
来源 :轴承 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhucaiguai
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1955年底,哈尔宾轴承厂设计科在苏联专家叶洛维科夫同志直接的领导下,根据苏联相当的标准拟定了球和滚子轴承设计试行标准,发给各国营轴承厂试行.1956年,哈尔宾轴承厂主导设计科按照局的指示,在苏联专家西马金娜的指导及各国营轴承厂的大力协助下,根据一年多来试行结果,在试行标准的基础上拟定了设计标准草案.现在,轴承研究所根据几年来试行结果,重新将标准进行了修改整理,将这分标准介绍给全国从事轴承工业工作的同志.这里所介绍的标准,尚不是最后定案的标准,其中有若干问题,各厂尚有分歧意见,还未最后统一,但是,鉴于目前全国轴承工业已经形成遍地开花的局面,而各地方厂尚无一套有关轴承设计方面比较完整的资料,轴承设计极感困难,因此,我们不得不提前将这分标准介绍给读者.当然最后标准可能还有若干更改,但这分标准毕竟已经过几年来生产上的验证,纵有更改,不会太大. At the end of 1955, under the direct leadership of the Soviet Union expert Yeluvkov, the design department of Halbin Bearing Factory drafted a trial design standard for the design of ball and roller bearings according to the Soviet equivalent standards, and distributed it to the pilot plants of all countries. In accordance with the instructions of the bureau and under the guidance of Soviet expert Sima Jinna and the strong support of the State-run Bearing Factory, the Designing Section of Halbin Bearing Factory drafted a draft design standard on the basis of the trial standards based on the pilot results over the past year Now based on several years of trial results, the Institute of Bearings has reorganized the standard and introduced the standard to comrades engaged in the bearing industry throughout the country. The standards presented here are still not the final standard. Some of them Problem, the factory still have different opinions, but the final unification, but, given the current bearing industry has blossomed throughout the situation, and the local factory is not yet a set of bearing design more complete information, bearing design extremely difficult, Therefore, we have to introduce this standard in advance to readers.Of course, there may be some changes in the final standard, but after all, this standard has been a few years Verify on production, even if we have to change, not too much.
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有一段时間,朋友每天下班到北京东四八条口的小酒馆喝啤酒。我问他为什么,他说为一个老头儿。那个老头儿看起来没什么文化,但气质特别,让人喜欢。  朋友说:“我们每天总是前后脚到,我要一升啤酒不要菜,他要二两白酒、一盘花生米。我们都知道对方在注意自己,可谁都没打招呼。如果我们认识,准能成为忘年交。”  我问他为什么不主动点儿,他说:“这你就不懂了。对我来说,猜想着、琢磨着他,是一种享受,我相信对他来说也
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