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“信息沟”的产生伴随着外语交际教学的兴起,现在广泛地应用于外语教学中。外语教学的终极目标就是培养学生运用外语进行沟通交流的能力。因此,外语教学能否达到其最终目的主要取决于“信息沟”的存在与否。所以,教师在进行外语教学时,要巧妙地运用“信息沟”原理,达到最终的教学目标。“信息沟”是衡量学生课堂学习效率的重要标志,同时也是判别教师教学能力的一大指标。 “Information Ditch ” is accompanied by the rise of foreign language teaching, is now widely used in foreign language teaching. The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to train students to communicate in foreign languages. Therefore, whether foreign language teaching can achieve its ultimate goal depends mainly on the existence of “information groove”. Therefore, teachers in foreign language teaching, we must skillfully use “information groove ” principle, to achieve the ultimate goal of teaching. “Information Ditch ” is an important indicator to measure the efficiency of classroom learning, and it is also a major indicator to judge the teaching ability of teachers.
本研究采用基于最优控制理论的伴随法,把观测资料同化到陆架海域潮汐 数值模型中去,优化开边界条件,提高数值预报的精度.潮汐模型的控制方程为考虑 平流项、非线性底摩擦和侧向涡
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Even the collector himself at first didn’t know the paintings he hid in his studio called the Rainy Night would become so valuable decades later. Mr. Yi Ma, a
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“石头娃现代山水画展”,于2001年10月28 日在陕西历史博物馆(东展厅)隆重举行。展览上,85岁高龄的李清芳女士亲自为儿子画展剪彩,并作简短发言。 艺术策划由西安美术学院教授王宁宇先生主持
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