乳牙牙体硬组织出生后再矿化主要发牛在第一年,营养的缺乏,特别是矿盐类和维生素等的缺乏,势必造成牙体硬组织矿化不良,从而降低其抗龋能力。笔者为了解不同哺育方式对学龄前龋病的影响,于1991年6月对广州市2所幼儿园279名儿童出生后第一年的哺育方式和龋患进行了调查。 1 调查结果 全部为生理性妊娠,其中母乳喂养(半年以上)136例;混合喂养(母乳喂养不足半年)87例;全人工喂养56例。男性167例(59.86%),女性112例(40.14%),男女比例1.49:1。
In the first year, the lack of nutrition, especially the lack of minerals and vitamins, will inevitably cause poor mineralization of dental hard tissues, thereby reducing their anti-caries ability. In order to understand the impact of different feeding methods on preschool caries, we investigated the feeding patterns and caries in the first year after birth of 279 children in two kindergartens in Guangzhou in June 1991. 1 All the results of physiological pregnancy, including breastfeeding (more than six months) 136 cases; mixed feeding (breastfeeding less than six months) in 87 cases; the whole artificial feeding in 56 cases. There were 167 males (59.86%) and 112 females (40.14%), the ratio of males to females was 1.49: 1.