
来源 :四川果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:P214909697
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我省丘陵地区属亚热带气候,不论春、秋季都可栽植柑桔。但根据我所生产实践证明,定植时期仍以秋季为好。因秋季气温高,湿度大,柑桔根系伤口愈合快;新根容易生长,幼树易转旺,次年春季可萌发健壮春梢,在春梢上抽发健壮的二次梢,加快构成树冠骨架,给适龄结果创造有利条件。一般在10月,抓紧秋雨前栽植最适宜。如在春季温度回升时定植,只要苗木根部土团不散、灌溉条件好,栽后切实加强管理,成活率也较高。冬季气温、地温都低,且常干旱,土壤水分缺乏,苗木定植后伤口不易愈合,新根不易发生;且地上部枝叶的蒸腾作用和干旱风影响而萎蔫、死亡。所以冬季定植的苗木不但成活率低,生长也不良,容易形成“小老树”,达不到早结果、丰产的目的。 Hilly region in my province is a subtropical climate, both spring and autumn can be planted citrus. However, according to the practice that I have produced, the autumn planting is still good. Due to high temperature in autumn and high humidity, root healing of citrus root is quick; new root is easy to grow, young tree is easy to turn prosperous, next spring can germinate strong spring shoots, draw strong second shoots on spring shoots, accelerate the formation of canopy Skeleton, to create favorable conditions for age-appropriate results. Generally in October, seize the most appropriate autumn planting. As in the spring when the temperature rose colonization, as long as the roots of the soil does not loose soil, irrigation conditions are good, effectively strengthen management after planting, survival rate is higher. Winter temperatures, low ground temperatures, and often drought, lack of soil moisture, wounds after planting seedlings difficult to heal, the new root is not easy to occur; and shoots above the branches of the transpiration and drought affected by wilting and death. Therefore, the seedlings planted in winter not only low survival rate, poor growth, easy to form a “small tree”, failing to achieve early results, the purpose of high yield.
飞利浦半导体宣布,该公司推出一种全新的处理技术,能生产高性能的下一代移动通信产品用芯片,同时成本远较其它竞争技术工艺为低。 这种新处理技术名为QUBiC4,它让飞利浦半导体可以生产
【摘要】初中英语教学处于承上启下的阶段,这一阶段的英语教学效果对初中生未来英语学习有很大的影响,而英语教学组织形式优劣好坏对于教学效果有很大的相关性,本文主要探讨初中英语教学组织形式的创新实践。  【关键词】初中英语 教学组织形式 创新实践  一、初中英语教学组织形式的现状  初中英语教学所要达到的目标是培养学生对英语基本知识的掌握,并为更高阶段的英语学习打下基础,同时也培养学生运用英语进行基本交
有些老年人晨练后回到家,往往会出现不同程度的疲劳感,想打瞌睡,有人则继续睡上一觉, 并认为晨练后再上床“补觉”是劳逸结合。其实,这样做既影响晨练效果,也不利于健康。晨