
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenchao198339
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长庆油田公司的大发展来之不易。面对鄂尔多斯盆地“低渗、低压、低产”的复杂地质条件、大西北艰苦恶劣的自然环境、陕甘宁蒙作为经济欠发达地区较差的企业外部依托, 长庆油田公司“立足科学发展、着力自主创新、促进和谐共赢”,探索形成了一整套具有长庆特色、具有国内国际先进水平的主体技术和建设模式,走出了一条科技兴油兴气的路子, 开创了“油气并举、协调发展”,油气兴旺、人气兴旺、安全稳定和谐的新局面。而党群工作做到了“围绕中心,服务大局”,并在“全面参与、全面监督、全面保证”的思路下,焕发出了勃勃生机,为长庆的大发展提供了强有力的支撑。如果要探其缘由,这与长庆油田能够在新时期把握承继关系,不断创新方法是分不开的,从而为党群工作的有效开展摸索出了一条新路。那么,长庆有哪些最宝贵的财富得到了继承和发展呢? 第一,长庆油田拥有优秀的企业文化。长庆油田经过岁 Changqing Oilfield Company’s hard-won development. Facing the complex geological conditions of “low permeability, low pressure and low production” in the Ordos Basin and the harsh natural environment in the northwestern Northwest, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Mongolia rely on the external reliance of poor enterprises in underdeveloped areas. Based on the scientific development, Focus on independent innovation and promote harmony and win-win “, explore and form a set of Changqing characteristics, with the domestic and international advanced level of the main technology and construction model, out of a road of science and technology flourishing oil, creating a” oil and gas simultaneously, coordinated Development “, oil and gas boom, popularity, security, stability and harmony of the new situation. However, the work of the party and the masses has achieved the goal of ”focusing on the center and serving the overall interests“ and given full play to its vitality under the principle of ”full participation, comprehensive supervision and overall assurance" and provided strong support for the great development of Changqing. If we want to explore its causes, this can not be separated from Changqing Oilfield being able to seize the succession relations in the new period, so that we can find a new way for the effective development of the work of the party and the masses. So, what are the most valuable wealth in Changqing has been inherited and developed? First, Changqing Oilfield has a good corporate culture. Changqing Oilfield after years
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一、形象rn  山川之形势,移情于拳拳之石,大寓于小,小见之大,直抒胸臆,此居山而慕水,栖原而恋山也,渭之盆景石。rn