Some Thoughts on the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Cities

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu_mi
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Through the concepts in the preservation plan for the historical and cultural city of Shenyang,this paper at-tempts to discuss and explore various issues such as the understanding and implementation,contents and concepts,preservation and development,heritage and redevleopment of the historical and cultural city,with a hope to providethis profound topic some references for consideration.With the economic and cultural development of the country,more and more attention has been paid to the pres-ervation and the utilization of the historical and cultural relics.Shenyang is one of the second group of the historicalcities designated by the State Council in 1986.Preservation plan and protective measures are now being formulatedfor this city.The following paragraphs outline some views in respect of the preservation of historical and cultural cities. Through the concepts in the preservation plan for the historical and cultural city of Shenyang, this paper at-tempts to discuss and explore various issues such as the understanding and implementation, contents and concepts, preservation and development, heritage and redevleopment of the historical and cultural City, with a hope to provide this profound topic some references for consideration.With the economic and cultural development of the country, more and more attention has been paid to the pres-ervation and the utilization of the historical and cultural relics.Shenyang is one of The second group of the historical cities designated by the State Council in 1986.Preservation plan and protective measures are now being formulated for this city.The following paragraphs outline some views in respect of the preservation of historical and cultural cities.
我们走路走人行道,过马路走斑马线。可是我发现,大多数汽车、摩托车通过斑马线时,并没有因为有行人而减速,仍然开得那么快,让行人心里真害怕。我想如果在离斑马线100 We wal
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· 1 ·  那时,我读小学四年级。尽管我的家境并不富裕,但是父母恩爱,家里也充满了融融暖意。  意想不到的是,就在那时,悲剧的火种落到了我们家……  新千年前夕,母亲打算置办一些年货,顺便给我买新衣服,就到附近的储蓄所去取钱。可是,没过多久,母亲脸色煞白、慌慌张张地跑回家里,告诉我们存折里的钱都不见了,她拨通了派出所的电话。  没等母亲把具体情况说出来,突然有一只大手紧紧地堵住了母亲的嘴。我看见
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