Sign language learning based on high-speed fringe projection profilometry employing defocused binary

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A high-speed fringe projection profilometry employing defocused binary fringe is presented to record the 3-D sign language, including gesture and mouth movement, to help people learn the sign language. It employs a number of advanced approaches, such as fringes binarization and defocus method, high precision phase calculation based on the phase-shifting method and the three pitches heterodyne unwrapping (TPHU) method, and how to combine multiple binary fringes into a 24-bit fringe. Experiments have shown that the proposed system can acquire and display high-quality 3D gesture and mouth movement at a speed of 500 frames per second.
提出了一种基于多波长光纤激光器和色散器件级联的微波光子带通滤波器。该滤波器利用双折射光纤环镜对多波长激光器的输出信号进行整形,整形后的信号作为滤波器的抽头,实现滤波器的可重构性。将标准单模光纤(SSMF)和光纤延迟环级联作为延迟单元,实现滤波器的频率选择性。通过改变波长间隔或标准单模光纤的长度,实现滤波器的可调谐性。研究结果表明与只用SSMF作延迟单元相比,该微波光子滤波器的品质因数Q提高了182.26,3 dB带宽减小了670 MHz。
In the current furniture production line, the level of automation in the stage of loading and unloading is not high enough. In order to improve its automation, a novel integer programming based method for automatically segment-ing board is proposed and a
Recent studies in oncology have addressed the importance of detecting circulating tumor cell clusters because circulating tumor cell clusters might survive and metastasize more easily than single circulating tumor cells. Signals with larger peak widths de
针对光电设备传统安装标校方法操作复杂、工作难度大的缺点, 提出了一种光电设备数字标校方法, 并结合平台稳定型光电设备开展了数字标校过程的姿态耦合分析, 重点分析了设备安装水平倾角耦合关系、空间稳定姿态解算和设备方位零位解算过程, 并通过仿真计算和试验验证了该方法的可行性。试验验证结果表明:具有稳定平台的光电设备采用该数字标校方法进行安装标校和稳定控制时, 在动态条件下其目标数据精度可满足2 mrad的技术指标要求。该研究对光电设备标校及误差源分析具有工程指导意义。
光学参量过程是产生压缩光的关键环节,为了提高实验中光学参量振荡腔的稳定性,必须将激光与光学参量振荡腔进行模式匹配,并用锁定技术稳定光学参量振荡腔。理论分析了模式匹配效率对压缩度和偏频锁定技术精度的影响。经过模式匹配之后,在实验上实现了光学参量振荡腔的锁定,并对锁定后的光学参量振荡腔进行了稳定性测量。理论与实验结果表明:模式匹配效果越好,压缩光的压缩度和偏频技术的锁定精度越高;在较好的模式匹配条件下,光学参量振荡腔的腔长锁定精度为7.35 nm,稳定时间可达2 h以上,能够满足对压缩态光场的探测需要。