
来源 :中国公路学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:digitalmachineu
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为给沥青路面设计与施工提供参考,基于路面温度实测数据利用数理统计方法,对沥青路面面层温度分布规律进行了深入研究,利用广州、宁波、大同的实测数据分析了沥青面层层均温度的年分布规律;提出表征路表温度分布密度曲线形态的3个特征值(路表温度众值、路表高温率和路表温度变幅);研究了标准材料热力参数下沥青路表温度年均值、年标准差与气象、地理参数的关系;利用739个地区数据绘制了标准材料热力参数下全国沥青路表温度年均值等值图和年标准差等值图,提出了在非标准材料热力参数情况下的修正式。研究结果表明:地区差异对沥青面层层均温度的年分布密度曲线形态影响显著,但面层厚度对其影响较小,可忽略不计;对应于年内不同层均温度的温度梯度均值随着层均温度的增大而增大,其变化可分为缓慢增大、平缓过渡和急剧增大3个阶段,面层厚度对其影响亦较小,可忽略不计;中国沥青路面路表温度的年分布密度曲线形态可分双峰、单峰、过渡形态3种,呈双峰分布形态的代表区域为华北中南部、华中、华东大部、西北东部和西南部分地区,单峰分布形态仅局限于华南沿海地区,过渡形态的代表区域为东北、华北北部、华东南部、西北大部和部分西南地区。 In order to provide a reference for the design and construction of asphalt pavement, based on the measured data of pavement temperature, the law of temperature distribution of asphalt pavement surface was studied by mathematical statistics method. The measured temperature of asphalt pavement was analyzed using the measured data of Guangzhou, Ningbo and Datong. The distribution characteristics of the annual temperature of the road surface are presented. Three eigenvalues ​​(the values ​​of the road surface temperature, the high temperature of the road surface and the temperature of the road surface) Mean value, annual standard deviation and the relationship between meteorological and geographical parameters. Using the data of 739 regions, the annual mean value map and annual standard deviation map of national asphalt road surface temperature were plotted based on the thermodynamic parameters of standard materials. Modification in case of parameter. The results show that the regional differences have a significant effect on the annual distribution density curve morphology of the average temperature of asphalt surface layer, but the thickness of the surface layer has little influence on it, which is negligible. The average of temperature gradients corresponding to different layer temperatures during the year varies with layer Average temperature increases and increases, the change can be divided into slowly increasing, gradual transition and sharp increase in three stages, the thickness of the surface layer is also less affected, negligible; China asphalt pavement temperature table year The distribution density curves can be divided into bimodal, unimodal and transitional forms. The bimodal distributions are represented by central-southern North China, Central China, eastern China, eastern Northwest China and southwestern parts. The unimodal distribution patterns are limited to In the coastal areas of South China, the representative regions of the transitional patterns are northeast, northern North China, southern southeast China, most northwestern China and parts of southwestern China.