Simultaneous stabilization of a class of nonlinear descriptor systems via Hamiltonian function metho

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:W200582166
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This paper studies simultaneous stabilization of a class of nonlinear descriptor systems via the Hamiltonian function method. Firstly, based on the Hamiltonian realization of the nonlinear descriptor systems and a suitable output feedback, two nonlinear descriptor systems are equivalently transformed into two nonlinear Hamiltonian differential-algebraic systems by a nonsingular transformation, and a sufficient condition for two closed-loop systems to be impulse-free is given. The two systems are then combined to generate an augmented dissipative Hamiltonian differential-algebraic system by using the system-augmentation technique, based on which a simultaneous stabilization controller and a robust simultaneous stabilization controller are designed for the two systems. Secondly, the case of more than two nonlinear descriptor systems is investigated, and two new results are proposed for the simultaneous stabilization and robust simultaneous stabilization, respectively. Finally, an illustrative example is studied by using the results proposed in this paper, and simulations show that the simultaneous stabilization controllers obtained in this paper work very well. This paper studies simultaneous stabilization of a class of nonlinear descriptor systems via the Hamiltonian function method. Firstly, based on the Hamiltonian realization of the nonlinear descriptor systems and a suitable output feedback, two nonlinear descriptor systems are equivalently transformed into two nonlinear Hamiltonian differential-algebraic systems by a nonsingular transformation, and a sufficient condition for two closed-loop systems to be impulse-free is given. The two systems are then combined to generate an augmented dissipative Hamiltonian differential-algebraic system by using the system-augmentation technique, based on which a simultaneous stabilization controller and a robust simultaneous stabilization controller are designed for the two systems. Finally, the case of more than two nonlinear descriptor systems is investigated, and two new results are proposed for the simultaneous stabilization and robust simultaneous stabilization, respectively. Finally , an illustr ative example is studied by using the results proposed in this paper, and simulations show that the simultaneous stabilization controllers obtained in this paper work very well.
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本文是作者阅读英国喜剧演员George Grosssmith与其弟Weedon Grosssmith作品The Diary of Nobody()的读后感.阅读这本日记体作品,作者感受到了当时英国社会某一社会群体的生
目的:通过研究尿液中与粘多糖病Ⅱ型(mucopolysaccharidosis typeⅡ,MPSⅡ)相关的差异蛋白质组:1.筛选MPSⅡ型的分子标志物,帮助疾病诊断;2.寻找MPSⅡ型所影响的信号通路,为致病机
本名徐克明,江苏高邮人,现居南京。资深媒体人,文化记者,散文作家。著有文化散文《南唐的天空》《南京深处谁家院》。现为《东方文化周刊》内容总监,兼江苏东航《银燕》杂志主编。  自从家里有了孙女璎珞,平时去商场就会多个心眼,关注她喜欢的书籍和玩具。没想到那次在南京一家大型玩具城里转悠,发现绝大多数都是“高大上”的电动玩具。所谓电动玩具,说白了就是花钱买那种不动脑子的玩具,后来转来转去还是买了我们童年爱