
来源 :实用肿瘤杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leosky_001
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患者男性,35岁,工人。发现颈部无痛性包块一年。近二月包块生长较快,但无四肢麻木、疼痛,腹痛等症状.查体:颈部胸骨上窝偏左可触及核桃大肿块,质软,无压痛,活动,光滑,边界清楚,随吞咽上下移动。脊柱、四肢无异常.实验室检查:血、尿常规,肝肾功能,血清钾、钙、磷,碱性磷酸酶均正常。胸片;纵隔、胸骨、肋骨及肺部正常。入院诊断。甲状腺腺瘤。1982年2月11日在颈丛麻醉下行肿块切除术,术中见肿块位于甲状腺左叶下极外侧,4×3×3cm大小。甲旁腺似黄豆大,位于甲状腺左叶上极及右叶下极外方,右上未找到甲旁腺及异常结节。病理报告肿块为黄色组织,与甲状腺组织无粘连。诊断为甲状旁腺腺瘤(左恻)。术后复查血清钾、钙、磷及尿钙、磷均正常。四肢X光摄片无异常发现,随访四年无殊。讨论甲状旁腺腺瘤并非罕见,绝大 Patient male, 35 years old, worker. A year of painless mass was found on the neck. In recent months, the masses grew faster, but there were no symptoms such as numbness, pain, abdominal pain, etc. Physical examination: The left upper sternal fossa can touch the large mass of walnut, soft, no tenderness, activity, smooth, clear boundary, with Swallow up and down to move. There were no abnormalities in the spine and limbs. Laboratory tests: Blood, urine routines, liver and kidney function, serum potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase were normal. Chest radiograph; mediastinum, sternum, ribs, and lungs normal. Admission diagnosis. Thyroid adenoma. On February 11, 1982, a mass resection was performed under anesthesia of the cervical plexus. During the operation, the mass was located on the lateral side of the left lower lobe of the thyroid gland and was 4×3×3 cm in size. The parathyroid glands resemble soybeans and are located on the left upper lobe of the thyroid gland and the right lower lobe. No parathyroid glands and abnormal nodules are found on the right side. The pathology reported a yellow tissue with no adhesion to the thyroid tissue. A diagnosis of parathyroid adenoma (left iliac). Postoperative review of serum potassium, calcium, phosphorus and urine calcium and phosphorus were normal. There were no abnormalities in the X-rays of the extremities and there was no difference in follow-up for four years. Discussing parathyroid adenomas is not uncommon.
直肠癌,尤其是腹膜返折平面以下的Dukes B、C期癌,即使施行了根治性切除术,其局部复发率很高。骨盆腔高能量辅助放疗已能减少术后局部复发,但放疗设备昂贵,尚不能满足临床需
腺样囊性癌(Adenoid cystic Carcinoma)又称圆柱瘤,是发生于涎腺、泪腺以及呼吸道粘膜腺体的罕见肿瘤,长于鼻及鼻窦者亦少。现把我科1964年后住院治疗的15例报道如下。一、