
来源 :实用口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kwzheng
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〕目的 :了解单侧完全性唇腭裂 (UCL P)患者的牙合力水平 ,借以掌握其口腔功能状况。方法 :以 MBF- 1型牙合力计测试 2 2名 UCL P患者上颌后牙牙合力和 2 5名正常牙合者的相应牙合力 ,同时测定其咀嚼效能和检查其上颌后牙的咬合接触状况。结果 :1UCL P患者上颌后牙牙合力明显低于正常牙合者 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;2 UCL P患者上颌后牙牙合力无性别差异。结论 :牙合力水平低下和咬合接触不良是 UCL P患者咀嚼效能低下的重要原因 Objective: To understand the level of occlusal force in patients with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate (UCL P) so as to understand the oral functional status. Methods: The corresponding occlusal force of the maxillary posterior teeth and the normal occlusion of 25 maxillary posterior teeth of 2 UCL P patients were measured by MBF-1 type dental force meter. The masticatory efficacy and the occlusal contact status of the maxillary posterior teeth were measured. Results: The occlusal force of maxillary posterior teeth in 1UCL P group was significantly lower than that in normal occlusion group (P <0.05). There was no gender difference in the occlusal force of maxillary posterior teeth in 2 UCL P patients. Conclusion: The low level of occlusal force and maladjusted occlusion are the main reasons for the low masticatory efficiency in UCL P patients
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疯狂的劫匪将人质劫持后,还有意留下了线索。这些线索可信吗?美美和李可认为这些线索并不是劫匪摆的迷魂阵。那么,人质被藏在哪儿?留给他们的时间只有短短的半小时了,他们要如何通过下面这些线索,最快地找到人质?  现场被损坏的石雕上留下一组血色文字,如何组合出有用的线索将是关键!  小美手里的这张巨石阵平面图是劫匪留下的第二个线索。红色符号的下面是藏匿人质的好地方。
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