MoS_3 loaded TiO_2 nanoplates for photocatalytic water and carbon dioxide reduction

来源 :Journal of Energy Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arllar
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Photocatalytic water splitting and carbon dioxide reduction provide us clean and sustainable energy resources. The carbon dioxide reduction is also the redemption of the greenhouse effect. MoS_3/TiO_2 photocatalysts based on TiO_2 nanoplates have been synthesized via a hydrothermal acidification route for water and carbon dioxide reduction reactions. This facile approach generates well dispersed Mo S3 with low crystallinity on the surface of TiO_2 nanoplates. The as-synthesized MoS_3/TiO_2 photocatalyst showed considerable activity for both water reduction and carbon dioxide reduction. The thermal treatment effects of TiO_2 , the loading percentage of MoS_3 and the crystalline phase of TiO_2 have been investigated towards the photocatalytic performance. TiO_2 nanoplate synthesized through hydrothermal reaction with the presence of HF acid is an ideal semiconductor material for the loading of MoS_3 for photocatalytic water and carbon dioxide reduction simultaneously in EDTA sacrificial solution. Photocatalytic water splitting and carbon dioxide reduction provide us clean and sustainable energy resources. The reduction of carbon dioxide is also a redemption of the greenhouse effect. MoS_3 / TiO_2 photocatalysts based on TiO_2 nanoparticles have been synthesized via a hydrothermal acidification route for water and carbon dioxide reduction The facile approach generated the well MoO 3 with low crystallinity on the surface of TiO 2 nanoplates. The as-synthesized MoS 3 / TiO 2 photocatalyst showed considerable activity for both water reduction and carbon dioxide reduction. The thermal treatment effects of TiO 2, the loading percentage of MoS_3 and the crystalline phase of TiO_2 have been pegged towards the photocatalytic performance. TiO_2 nanoplate synthesized through hydrothermal reaction with the presence of HF acid is an ideal semiconductor material for the loading of MoS_3 for photocatalytic water and carbon dioxide reduction simultaneously in EDTA sacrifici al solution.
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