
来源 :景德镇陶瓷 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angel5tears
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颜色釉晶莹光洁,色彩厚朴,鲜丽纯正,质感丰富,给人们沉着舒适的美感,人们素称是“人造宝石”.陶瓷艺人在长期的探索实践中,利用颜色釉质地美的特点,创造了颜色釉与青花、描金、贴花、开光、雕刻等相结合的综合装饰,从而更加丰富了颜色釉的装饰题材和内容,成为色彩斑驳,绚丽多姿,华丽庄重,富丽堂煌的陶瓷装饰艺宛之花.颜色釉综合装饰由于色彩丰富,光焰悦目.因此,人们把这种综合装饰艺术瓷视为同绘画及其它工艺品一样,经过陶瓷工匠的精心设计,可制为公共场所瓷壁画、瓷壁卦、而且更为餐茶会馆、家庭住宅陈设之珍品.它不仅具有专供人们陈设欣赏之功能;也有如灯台、钟座、瓶罐、餐茶饭具等赏用结 Color glaze crystal clean, color Magnolia, pure and beautiful, rich texture, giving people a sense of calm and comfortable, people are known as “artificial gem.” Ceramics artists in the long-term exploration practice, the use of color enamel to the characteristics of the United States to create The combination of color glaze and blue and white flowers, gold, decals, open light, carving and other integrated decoration, so as to further enrich the color glaze decorative themes and content, as mottled, colorful, gorgeous solemn, magnificent ceramic decorative arts Because of its rich color and bright light, people regard this kind of comprehensive decorative art porcelain as the same as paintings and other handicrafts, which are carefully designed by ceramic artisans to make porcelain murals and porcelain in public places Wall Gua, but also more tea house, the furnishings of the family home treasures it not only has specifically designed for people to enjoy the function of furnishings; also as the Taiwan and Taiwan,
目的:观察晚期活动性全髋关节结核Ⅰ期病灶清除全髋关节置换术的中远期疗效. 方法:2002年1月至2008年12月,行Ⅰ期病灶清除全髋关节置换术治疗晚期活动性全髓关节结核8例9
目的:探讨后路内固定联合前路改良倒"L"形切口、腹膜外入路行病灶清除并植骨治疗腰骶部双节段结核的临床疗效. 方法:自2008年2月至2012年12月,选取腰骶部双节段结核15例,术