关露同志,是一位令人尊敬的女性。她那神奇般的人生,可以说是一部悲壮的催人泪下的史诗。她是一个不应该被人们遗忘的女诗人、女作家。 我与她相识,是在三十年代的左联时期。1931年“九·一八”事变后,我离开了我的母校四川成都大学来到上海,开始了我的文学生活,我当时也是一个满身热气的青年,主要从事新诗歌的探索和写作。记得上海“—·二八”淞沪战争后,我曾以此为题材写过一首很长的叙事诗《震撼大地的一月间》,诗的一节发表在
Guan Lu, a respected woman. Her magical life, can be said to be a tragic tear-telling epic. She is a female poet who should not be forgotten by people. I met her, during the Left-wing period of the 1930s. After the September 18th Incident of 1931, I left my alma mater, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, and came to Shanghai to start my literary life. At that time, I was also a hot young man who was mainly engaged in the exploration and writing of new poems. I remember Shanghai “- February 28” After the Songhu Shanghai War, I used to have written a long narrative poem “shocking the earth in January,” a verse published in