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二十年前,一部反映中国共产党历史的大片《开天辟地》曾经轰动一时。二十年来,每年的7月1日,央视电影频道都要重播这部影片。在建党九十周年即将到来的时候,该剧的编剧、著名作家、中共十六大代表、第六届中国作家协会副主席、浙江省作家协会名誉主席黄亚洲为党的生日再献厚礼——由他创作的反映中共建党历史的长篇纪实小说《建党大业》已修订完毕,将由红旗出版社出版。南湖既是中国共产党的诞生地,也是黄亚洲生活工作过多年的地方。可以说,黄亚洲的人生和艺术道路与南湖有着密切的联系。 Twenty years ago, a large piece of “epoch-making land” that reflected the history of the Chinese Communist Party was once a sensation. For two decades, July 1 each year, CCTV movie channels have to replay the film. In the upcoming 90th anniversary of the founding of the play, the play’s screenwriter, a famous writer, the CPC’s 16th CPC National Congress, the 6th vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, Zhejiang Writers Association Honorary Chairman Huang Yazhou sacrifice again for the party’s birthday - The long-established documentary novel “The Founding of a Party” reflecting his party’s history has been revised and will be published by Hongqi Publishing House. Nanhu is not only the birthplace of the Chinese Communist Party, but also the place where Yellow Asia has lived and worked for many years. It can be said that Huang Asia’s life and art road are closely linked with Nanhu.