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[目的]探讨Ⅱ期宫颈癌术前应用化放疗的临床价值。[方法]根据术前辅助方法不同分为3组 :术前介入组36例 ,术前介入加后装组24例 ,术前后装组21例 ,对各组的近期疗效、术后病理组织学变化进行比较。[结果]经术前介入或介入配合后装治疗宫颈局部肿瘤明显缩小 ,近期有效率分别达97 2%及100 % ,较术前后装组42 9 %明显提高(P<0 001) ;术后病理组织学比较 ,60例总的淋巴结转移率11 7 % ,深肌层浸润率10 0 % ,宫旁浸润率5 0 %及神经脉管侵犯率10 0 % ,均明显低于术前后装组的38 1%、42 9 %、42 9 %及42 9%(P<0 01)。[结论]术前辅以化、放疗对Ⅱ期宫颈癌疗效明显。 [Objective] To investigate the clinical value of preoperative chemoradiotherapy for stage Ⅱ cervical cancer. [Methods] According to the different preoperative adjuvant methods, the patients were divided into 3 groups: preoperative intervention group (n = 36), preoperative intervention plus afterloading group (n = 24), preoperative and postoperative group (n = 21) Learning changes compared. [Results] The local tumor of cervix was significantly reduced after preoperative intervention or after interventional treatment, the effective rates were 97 2% and 100% respectively, which were significantly higher than those of 42 9% before and after operation (P 0 001) The posterior histopathology showed that the total lymph node metastasis rate was 17.7%, deep myometrial invasion rate was 100%, uterine infiltration rate was 50% and nerve vessel invasion rate was 100% Group 38 1%, 42 9%, 42 9% and 42 9% (P <0.01). [Conclusion] Preoperative supplementation and radiotherapy have obvious curative effect on stage Ⅱ cervical cancer.
Based on a low supply voltage curvature-compensated bandgap reference and central symmetry Q~2 random walk NMOS current source layout routing method,a 1.2-V 10-
1 病历报告  患者 ,女 ,47岁。发现腹部肿物 3年而未予治疗。近半年来 ,因明显增大 ,感气短腹部胀痛 ,无明显消瘦 ,食欲欠佳 ,乏力 ,于 1997年 1月 10日入院。既往健康 ,
In the laser warning system, a non-mechanical scanning Fabry-Perot (F-P) type laser warning method and its crucial component-laser incident sensor design method
[研究背景 ]盲肠癌合并阑尾炎的病例较少见 ,临床上因对阑尾炎病人缺乏耐心而忽视盲肠肿物的病症 ,容易导致漏诊 ,影响病人治疗 .[病例报告 ]本文报道 3例 ,接诊时均误诊为阑
笔者于1994年2月~1999年5月,应用茵栀黄注射液及注射用九维他治疗晚期消化系统肿瘤的肝损伤,症状改善显著,现报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 病例选择:观察的68例患者均经病理及有
乳腺癌是危害妇女健康的主要恶性肿瘤。我国每年约有20万人罹患此病,死亡率达338/10万。我院1988~1998年共收治乳腺癌78例,现就本病临床治疗讨论如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资