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浙江的海宁是中国的经编之都。海宁的马桥对经编最有话语权。比之马桥,究竟还有什么地方敢称是“经编之都”?这还不太好说,反正在中国,这个城或那个城大多是“城”里面的人冲外面喊出来的。同样,海宁人也在喊:马桥是中国的经编之都,但喊的时候,他们的经编产品早已名声在外。目前,位于海宁马桥的经编产业园区开发面积已达4平方公里,园区内有经编及相关企业245家,其中规模以上企业122家,年产值亿元以上的企业12家、5000万元以上的企业22家。2006年,海宁经编产业总产值超过102亿元,占海宁工业总产值的13%左右;仅工业园区的总产值就达到75.2亿元,约占全国经编业总量的1/4。预计2007年园区的总产值将突破100亿元。海宁是良渚文化发源地之一。考古证明,距今7000年前,这里就有人类生息繁衍。因其境东南濒海,历代不断筑修海塘以御潮汐之患,至清乾隆年间,筑成长达二十多公里的鱼鳞海塘,海水始宁,于是易名“海宁”并沿用至今。海宁自古就有纺织传统,这是海宁经编产业的历史积淀。事实上,区域经济的发展离不开地缘性,皮革、家纺和经编这三大行业之所以形成海宁的特色经济,都与这里的地域文化有关。那么,海宁是如何成为经编之都的呢?海宁人说:这里没有秘密。 Haining in Zhejiang is China’s warp knitting capital. Haining Ma Bridge on the warp of the most discourse. Than Maqiao, what place is dare to be “warp capital ”? This is not too good to say, anyway, in China, the city or the city is mostly from. Similarly, Haining also shouted: Maqiao is the capital of China’s warp knitting, but shouting, their warp products have long been famous. At present, the warp knitting industrial park in Haining Maqiao has an area of ​​4 square kilometers and there are 245 warp knitting and related enterprises in the park, including 122 above-scale enterprises, 12 enterprises with annual output value of 100 million yuan and 50 million yuan More than 22 enterprises. In 2006, the total output value of warp knitting industry in Haining exceeded 10.2 billion yuan, accounting for about 13% of the total industrial output value of Haining. The output value of only industrial parks reached 7.52 billion yuan, accounting for about 1/4 of the total warp knitting industry in China. It is estimated that the total output value of the park will exceed 10 billion yuan in 2007. Haining is one of the birthplaces of Liangzhu Culture. Archeology has proved that, since 7000 years ago, there is a human reproduction. Because of its coastal southeast littoral, successive attempts to build a seawall to tide the suffering of the tide, to the Qing Emperor Qianlong years, built up to more than 20 kilometers of fish scale seawall, sea rather Ning, so renamed “Haining ” and still in use. Haining has textile tradition since ancient times, which is the history of Haining warp knitting industry. In fact, the development of regional economy is inseparable from the geography. The three major industries of leather, home textiles and warp knitting form the characteristic economy of Haining, all related to the regional culture here. Then, Haining how to become the capital of the war? Haining said: There is no secret here.
<正> 经过多年的筹备,中国养猪行业协会,已经民政部社证字1028号文批准正式成立,这是全国养猪业同行盼望已久的大喜事。中国养猪行业协会,是由从事养猪生产(包括良种、饲料、
谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(glutathione S-transferases, GSTs)属于一个超家族,目前已从20多种昆虫中克隆得到了近百个GSTs基因序列.这些基因分属于至少3个类别,Ⅰ(Delta)类,Ⅱ类和Ⅲ