,Characteristics of helium accumulation in the Guanzhong Basin, China

来源 :中国地质(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoshen1984
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Guanzhong Basin is located in the transitional zone between the Qinling orogenic belt and the Ordos plateau.Analyses of drill and geothermal wells depict that the Guanzhong Basin has abundant gas,and its major source rocks are the U-rich granites.In this study,the granitoid intrusive samples were collected from the Huashan,Baoji,Muhuguan rocks in Guanzhong Basin.A micro laser Raman spectrum examination was used to measure the composition of inclusion in the granite quartz fissures.The results depict that the inclusions include both gas-liquid and H2O-NaCl-CO2 inclusions and that their composition primarily includes H2O and CO2,with small amounts of CH4,H2 and H2S.These inclusions can be classified into nearly-primary,early secondary,and late secondary inclusions,which have homogenization temperatures of greater than 430 ℃,330-370 ℃ and 170-230 ℃,respectively,based on the inclusion measurements.Additionally,the apatite fission-track investigations of six samples,which were collected from the granites at Huashan,Baoji rocks and the southe margin of Muhuguan along with the Cretaceous Sigou Formation sandstones that are located in the northweste margin of the Guanzhong Basin reveal that the northe Guanzhong Basin began to receive deposits as early as 84-69 Ma.This period was accompanied by the rapid uplift of the Qinling orogenic belt,which was followed by an uplift of the southe basin margin and the Qinling orogenic belt from 44-28 Ma.The authors obtained an age histogram and a probability density distribution of three sample points.The results show that the age spectra of the zircons in the Cretaceous Sigou Formation sandstones can be divided into four tectonic events.Combined with the ages of apatite fission tracks and zircon,the Guanzhong Basin has experienced five tectonic stages as follows: 28-84 Ma,170-260 Ma,280-510 Ma,610-1200 Ma,and 1210-2870 Ma.Using the thermal chronology constraints,inclusion composition analyses,which include the homogenization temperature measurements,and regional burial history,this paper conclude that the early secondary inclusions are primarily composed of CO2 and N2,whereas the late secondary inclusions are composed of CH4.Furthermore,this paper identify two periods of reservoir accumulation,out of which the later period is assumed to be the main accumulation period.Therefore,the period of the formation of the late secondary inclusion in the Guanzhong Basin and the Miocene era is observed to overlap with the main helium reservoir accumulation period.
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