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各级党刊作为主流媒体,要按照中央要求、按照各级党委宣传部门的部署,全力做好党的十八大的宣传报道工作,做到内容有特色,选题有策划,编辑组稿有安排,使得我们的宣传报道在党员干部中取得良好的效果。各家党刊在“走转改”活动中取得了明显的效果,安排了很多有特色、有创新的采访报道活动, Party media at all levels as the mainstream media, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee, in accordance with the deployment of propaganda departments at all levels of Party committees and efforts to do a good job in propaganda and reporting of the 18th CPC National Congress, so that the content of the characteristics of the planning, editing and editing draft arrangements , Making our propaganda reported in party members and cadres achieved good results. Various party and government departments have made remarkable achievements in their activities of “turning around changes and turning around” and arranged many special and innovative news coverage activities,
只要一提起“竭诚为读者服务”这七个大字,人们就会想到邹韬奋先生和生活·读书·新知三联书店。  创立于1932年的三联书店80岁了!  80年来,邹韬奋、胡愈之、徐伯昕、李公朴、黄洛峰、徐雪寒……这些熠熠闪光的名字和他们所开创的事业成为三联永不磨灭的亮色和品格。  在我国图书出版史上,三联书店独具特色。她成为我国现代学术文化出版的重镇,不仅因为她隽永的书香,更因为她一直走在时代前沿,保持着激流勇进的
“我该怎么办”栏目创办四年来,受到广大班主任的欢迎。在此,我们向踊跃参与讨论的众多班主任及专家学者们表示衷心的感谢。2013年,希望大家继续支持,不吝赐稿。 “What sh
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