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用燃烧硫所发生的 SO_2来演示 SO_2的漂白作用,从教学效果上讲,比用其他来源的 SO_2要恰当些。但它的缺点是要经过较长的时间,才能见到明显的结果。建议改用富氧空气代替空气,以缩短演示实验的时间。课前准备:取1—2升的细口瓶一个,瓶内挂一束润湿的鲜花,再通入氧气约1/3体积,用橡塞塞好后带进教室。演示手续:在燃烧匙内放硫1—2克,点着后伸入瓶内,硫就迅速烧完,因为瓶内的 SO_2的浓度较大,温度又较高,因此,鲜花就很快地被漂白。若用中学课本的装置,那末可用具有塞子的钟罩, The combustion of sulfur SO2 to demonstrate the SO2 bleaching effect, from the teaching effect, than with other sources of SO2 to be more appropriate. But its downside is that it takes a long time to see obvious results. It is recommended to use oxygen-enriched air instead of air to shorten the time for demonstration experiments. Pre-class preparation: take a 1-2 liter bottle, a bottle of wet flowers hanging, and then into the oxygen about 1/3 of the volume, with the rubber stopper into the classroom. Demonstration: Sulfur spoon in the burning 1-2 grams, after the point into the bottle, the sulfur burned quickly, because the bottle of SO 2 concentration, the temperature is higher, so the flowers quickly Bleached. If you use a secondary school textbook device, then use a bell with a stopper,
<正> 撫順和茂名頁岩油中含有3—4%的鹼性氮化合物,它們是合成药物、橡胶、染料等貴重的化学工業原料,因此,为了綜合利用頁岩油的資源,我們进行了鹼性氮化合物的成份分析的研
Ⅰ. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. This meteorite is obtained from the province of Kiangsu. The weight is about 82 grams. The specific gravity is 3. 6. The shape is coni
In the course of their last geological trip in Kansu (1934),Messrs.T.F.Hou and C.C.Sun of the Geological Survey of China collected a fewremains of fossil Fish
本工作是为分析锂化合物中锂的含量而进行的。锂以氯化锂形式为异辛醇萃取使之与钾、钠分离。用银量法测定氯化锂。测量范围是1—5毫克锂,精密度为±0.5%。 This work was c
由于我们应用的B208 J型刨床,没有自动抬刀装置和机构,刀头很容易碰掉,人工抬刀劳动强度大,且又不安全,生产效率也低。后来,经过改进,增加了几个电气元件,便实现了自动抬刀
The geology of Szechuan and Sikang has long been studied and isnow being investigated continually by many geologists. No conclusivestatements concerning the ge