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为培养21世纪的新人才,初中语文,尤其是农村初中语文教学就必须突破传统的教学模式和思考模式,而将创新应用于初中语文教学,不仅可以让学生更容易地领悟到课本的知识,锻炼其独立思考能力和创新思维能力,而且可以摆脱传统的“填鸭式”教育,现就如何提高农村初中语文教学质量谈几点粗浅看法,与同行交流。一、以讲为主向以合作探究为主转化新课标指出,要改变语文教学过程中只强调学习以及机械式的训练和死记硬背的教学方式,提倡学生在教学活 In order to cultivate new talented people in the 21st century, Chinese teaching in junior high schools, especially in rural junior high schools, must break through the traditional modes of teaching and thinking. Applying innovation to Chinese teaching in junior high schools not only makes it easier for students to comprehend textbook knowledge, Exercise their ability of independent thinking and creative thinking, and can get rid of the traditional “spoon-fed” education, now on how to improve the quality of rural junior high school Chinese teaching a few superficial views, and peer exchanges. First, to talk mainly to explore new cooperation to explore the new curriculum standards that must change the process of teaching Chinese only emphasizes learning and mechanical training and rote learning methods, to promote students in teaching and living
AIM: To study the effects of indomethacin on the isolated transverse and longitudinal rat gastric fundus strips. METHODS: The strips were suspended in an organ
建立现代企业制度 ——深化企业改革的方向……本刊评论员 1·4建立现代企业制度的基本框架……·“王恒宝1·5今年工业经济运行趋势预测 ……………………国家计委综合司工
肛周脓肿为临床常见病、多发病,传统治疗是先一期切开引流,待形成肛瘘后再行肛瘘手术,不但增加了患者二次手术的痛苦,而且医疗费用增加,治疗时间大大延长.我科自2002年 12月至2003 年11月采用一次性根治手术治疗肛周脓肿36例,疗效满意,现报告如下。
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AIM: To establish an association between the presence of metabolic syndrome and the development of gallstone disease. METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional