Pediatric Middle Ear Congenital Cholesteatoma: A Case Report

来源 :Journal of Otology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peterkong
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Congenital cholesteatoma(CC)is a rarely seen benign tumor of the temporal bone. There are five general sites of extradural occurrence: the middle ear, external auditory meatus, mastoid, squamous portion and the petrous apex of the temporal bone. CC grows slowly and presents no symptoms at the early stage. Delayed and mis-diagnosis are common with this condition~1. Case report A 10-year-old boy presented with a 3-month history of hearing loss on right side. There was no history of otorrhea, facial palsy, previous otological procedures or trauma. Otoscopy revealed a bulging posterosuperior quadrant in the otherwise intact right tympanic membrane (Fig.1). Pure tone audiometry showed an average threshold of 51 dB for 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000Hz, with a 40 dB air-bone gap, suggesting a moderate conductive hearing loss(Fig.4). CT scan of the temporal bone showed an isolated soft tissue density lesion in the middle ear(Fig.2). There are five general sites of extradural occurrence: the middle ear, external auditory meatus, mastoid, squamous portions and the petrous apex of the temporal bone. CC grows slowly and presents no symptoms at the early stage. Delayed and mis-diagnosis are common with this condition ~ 1. Case report A 10-year-old boy presented with a 3-month history of hearing loss on right side. There was no history of otorrhea , facial palsy, previous otological procedures or trauma. Otory revealed a bulging posterosuperior quadrant in the otherwise intact right tympanic membrane (Fig. 1). Pure tone audiometry showed an average threshold of 51 dB for 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz, with a 40 dB air-bone gap, suggesting a moderate conductive hearing loss (Fig. 4). CT scan of the temporal bone showed an isolated soft tissue density lesion in the middle ear (Fig.
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摘 要:数学核心素质是小学数学教学中的重要内容,核心素质的成功培养可以使学生受益终生。本文分析了小学生数学核心素质的三个特征,提出了数学核心素质的培养方法,即培养学生的数学模型意识,提高学生的应用意识和创新意识。  关键词:小学数学;核心素质;培养  数学素质并不是单纯的数学能力,而是指是人们经过系统的数学学习后,在实际生活中以数学的思维去看待以及解决问题。  一、学生数学核心素质的特征  1.综