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改革开放以来,随着我国整体经济的高速发展和钢结构的优越性逐渐得到市场认可,钢结构的应用和发展十分迅速,一批优秀的钢结构企业纷纷崛起,形成了自己的品牌,其生产装备、生产技术、经营管理能力,已接近国际先进水平,并相继承担建造了我国大量重点钢结构工程。进入21世纪,加强自主创新和培育自主品牌已成为整个社会的一致共识,国家“十一五”规划更将“提高自主创新能力”定为重点规划,由此可见自主创新在中国未来发展中所居的重要地位。作为中国钢结构协会的会刊,为了充分展示钢结构企业自主品牌的发展历程和辉煌成就,大力宣传和推广优秀的中国钢结构行业内自主品牌企业,本刊从本期开始,开辟“品牌中国自主创新”专栏,向广大读者介绍钢结构行业内最具成长力的企业,以积极推动企业实施品牌战略,全面提高建筑钢结构应用技术水平,争取2010年建筑钢结构行业综合技术达到国际先进水平。 Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid economic development of our country as a whole and the superiority of steel structure gradually gaining market acceptance, the application and development of steel structure have been very rapid. A number of excellent steel structure enterprises have emerged and formed their own brands. Their production Equipment, production technology, management ability, close to the international advanced level, and have assumed the construction of a large number of key steel structures in China. Entering the 21st century, strengthening independent innovation and fostering independent brands have become the consensus of the entire society. The “Eleventh Five-year Plan” of the country even places “enhancing the capability of independent innovation” as a key plan. This shows that in the future development of China’s independent innovation, Habitat important position. As a journal of China Steel Structure Association, in order to fully demonstrate the development history and brilliant achievements of steel structure enterprises’ own-brand, vigorously publicize and promote their own brand enterprises in China’s steel structure industry, our company has started the brand “China Independent innovation ”column, to introduce the majority of readers steel industry’s most growth force in the enterprise, to actively promote the implementation of brand strategy of enterprises to comprehensively enhance the level of application of steel technology, strive for building steel structure industry in 2010 reached the international advanced level .
1947年3月1日,在炮声隆隆、硝烟弥漫中,我军创办了荣臻小学,也就是八一学校的前身。同学们迎来了第一个开学典礼。建校初期,荣臻小学坐落在河北省阜平县城南庄镇北边不远的沟槽村。  王宗槐老将军清楚地记得,抗日战争结束后,晋察冀部队由地方向野战化转变后,军区决定随军的家属子女都留在后方。在这种情况下,聂荣臻司令员兼政委专门把他召到了位于河北省阜平县城南庄的军区司令部。当时,向来以宽厚和蔼著称的聂老总
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