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患者男,54岁。因左腹股沟无痛性肿块5月余,肿块穿刺细胞学检查疑恶性黑色素瘤(简称恶黑),于1990年11月18日入院。查体:患者营养中等,一般情况好,全身皮肤无黄染及感染,浅表淋巴结无肿大、左侧腹股沟中内侧皮下触及一约5cm×5cm大小质硬、可活动、无红肿、无痛肿块。左足底小趾侧有一长约2cm手术疤痕,其外侧1cm处有一0.1~1cm不规则、不凸出皮肤的黑痣。心、肺、肝脾无异常,各生命体征及化验室检查(常规)均正常范围,患者31年前曾被铁钉扎伤左足底,此后伤处触疼,增厚、异物感、1989年发现原 Male patient, 54 years old. Due to the painless mass of the left inguinal groove for more than 5 months, the tumor was punctured for cytological examination of malignant melanoma (abbreviated as ebony) and was admitted to hospital on November 18, 1990. Physical examination: The patient has moderate nutrition and is generally in good condition. There is no yellowing and infection of the whole body’s skin. The superficial lymph nodes are not swollen. The medial subcutaneous cutaneous in the left inguinal area touches a size of about 5cm x 5cm, which is hard, movable, free of redness, and painless. Lumps. There is a long 2cm surgical scar on the side of the small toe of the left plantar, and a 0.1~1cm irregular black skin with no convex skin at the outer 1cm. There were no abnormalities in heart, lung, liver and spleen, and all vital signs and laboratory examinations (conventional) were within the normal range. The patient had been nailed to the left sole with iron nails 31 years ago, and thereafter the injury was painful, thickening, foreign body sensation, 1989 Discover the original
患者钱某,男性,42岁,1987年12月25日入院。 1957年因左臀部拳头大肿物,在当地医院诊断“脂肪瘤”手术切除。1年后肿物复发,迅速长大并新下坠于左大腿外侧,形状不规则,无疼痛
尼扎尔·葛巴尼是位多产诗人,一生出版了30多部诗集,其中爱情诗集多达25部.此外,尼扎尔还有数部散文集.尼扎尔的诗歌, Nizar Gerbani is a prolific poet who has publishe
《胡利奥·科塔萨尔传》(Julio Cortazar,La Biografia),马里奥·戈洛勃夫,阿根廷塞伊克斯·巴拉尔出版社,1998年第一版。阿根廷作家胡利奥·科塔萨尔1963年发表包含许多实