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临沂市技术市场管理工作在各级政府主管部门的领导支持下,1996年度被国家科委评为‘第三届全国技术市场金桥奖先进集体’。技术市场的发展促进了科技体制改革、经济建设和社会进步,其特点有: 一、实行技术成果商品化,开放搞活技术市场,推动了科研机构的改革。‘八五’期间,全市12家全民科研单位全部进入了技术市场,面对面地开展技术服务和成果转让。不仅增强了科研单位自身的开发能力,减轻了国家财政负担,也改善了科技人员的待遇,推动科研单位面向企业生产、面向市场需求,进入国民经济建设主战场。 二、工业企业通过技术市场开展多方位技术贸易活动,大量转化、吸收新技术,促进了新产品开发和传统技术的改造,提高了经济效益,增强了技术开发能力。 临沂市采暖锅炉厂发明专利产品WWNW无压热水锅炉1994年9月通过技术市场参加第八届全国发明展览会获得金奖后,连续二年产值超过300万元,利税60万元,使这个5万元起家的村办小厂成为初具规模的乡镇企业。 Linyi City, technical market management work at all levels of government departments in charge of leadership support, 1996 by the State Science and Technology Commission as ’the third national technology market Golden Bridge Award advanced collective’. The development of the technology market has promoted the reform of science and technology system, economic construction and social progress. The characteristics of the technology market are: First, the commercialization of technological achievements, the opening up of the technology market and the promotion of the reform of scientific research institutions. During the Eighth Five-Year Plan period, all the 12 scientific research units of the whole city entered the technology market and conducted technical services and transfer of achievements in face-to-face manner. It not only enhanced its own development capability of scientific research units, lightened the financial burden of the state, but also improved the treatment of science and technology personnel, promoted the research institutes to face the production needs of enterprises and the market and entered the main battlefield of national economic construction. Second, industrial enterprises carry out multi-directional technical and trade activities through technological markets, transforming and absorbing new technologies in large quantities, promoting the development of new products and the transformation of traditional technologies, improving economic efficiency and enhancing the ability of technological development. Linyi City, heating boiler plant invented patented product WWNW pressureless hot water boiler in September 1994 through the technology market to participate in the Eighth National Invention Exhibition Gold Award, the output value of more than 300 million for two consecutive years, profits and taxes 600,000 yuan to make this 5 Million yuan started a village-owned small factories become the beginning of the scale of township enterprises.
阿拉伯联合酋长国已公布法令,规定输入该国的食品均须加附阿拉伯文标签,并给予食品业者一年的调适期,目前调适期已快到期,即将进入强制执行阶段。 输至阿联酋的食品如为市场
——突出技术贸易特色,积极开发大项目成套设备和一般机电产品出口; ——与国外工程公司合作,扩大第三国分包,取得零的突破。 - Highlighting the characteristics of techn
据伊朗中央银行日前表示:伊朗政府已决定停止以远期信用证自外国进口商品。 此进口付款方式是近年来伊朗大金额采购时所普遍采用的,但也造成伊朗数十亿美元的额外外债。 Ac
西藏雪顿节 时间:8月(藏历6月底至7月初) 地点:西藏自治区拉萨市 雪顿,意为酸奶宴。 活动内容:节期举办晒大佛,传统藏戏会演及各种物资交流会。游览藏南旅游线。 Tibet Sho