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不同杨树品种受黄斑星天牛危害的程度不同,表明其抗性有异。杨树抗虫性的大小与树体可溶性糖含量及酸类物质的组成有关。试验发现凡抗性强的树种,可溶性糖与单宁酸含量的比值(C/T)小,儿茶酸和对香豆酸含量高。试验证明河北杨、新疆杨和毛白杨抗性强,是由于它们体内含有多种抗性物质和其它抗性因素之故。从而为生产中选择抗虫树种和综合防治黄斑星天牛的危害提供了理论依据。 Different poplar species harmed by Asclepiatus to varying degrees, indicating that the resistance is different. The size of poplar pest resistance and soluble sugar content of the tree and the composition of acid substances. The test found that where the resistance of tree species, soluble sugar and tannin content ratio (C / T) is small, catechin and p-coumaric acid content. Tests show that Hebei Yang, Xinjiang poplar and poplar highly resistant, because they contain a variety of body resistance substances and other resistance factors. Which provides a theoretical basis for the selection of pest-resistant species in production and the comprehensive prevention and control of the danger of Asteraceae.
苏联在1978年,将利用豚草条纹叶甲Zygogramma suturalis控制危险性检疫杂草——豚草Ambrosia artemisifolia和多年生豚草A. psilostachya的生长、蔓延,作为一项生物防治的措
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绿豆叶斑病Cercospora sp 是绿豆上的重要病害之一,我国绿豆主要产区安徽、河南等地在绿豆开花结荚期常因此病造成大量落叶,致使严重减产或失收,大大影响绿豆的生产和发展。
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