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山西,素以“煤炭之乡”著称于世。据统计,目前已探明煤炭储量约2600多亿吨,占全国总量近1/3,产能突破6亿吨,是我国产煤输煤大省。然而,这个产煤大省的发电装机仅占全国的1/20,外输煤与外输电的比例为16:1。由于中间环节费用高,山西煤炭外输的经济性变得越来越差。如何实现煤炭资源效益最大化,成为山西转变经济发展方式面临的重要课题。特高压成为实现这一转变的契机。南北互供促经济转型 Shanxi, known as “coal town ” is known to the world. According to statistics, at present, it has ascertained that there are about 260 billion tons of coal reserves, accounting for nearly one third of the total amount in the country and a breakthrough of 600 million tons of capacity. This is a large coal-producing province in China. However, the power generation capacity of this large coal-producing province accounts for only 1/20 of the country’s total. The ratio of outgoing coal to external power transmission is 16: 1. Due to the high cost of intermediate links, the economy of Shanxi’s coal exports has become worse and worse. How to maximize the benefits of coal resources has become an important issue that Shanxi faces in transforming its economic development mode. UHV has become an opportunity to achieve this transformation. Mutual supply of North and South promote economic restructuring
A systemic and validated model was developed to predict ultraviolet spectra features from the shock layer of near-space hypersonic vehicles in the ‘‘solar bli
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研究证明,人的情绪在一定程度上左右着人心脏的健康,例如忧郁症就可以对心脏造成一定的损害。 人们一直将童话故事中忧郁的王子或公主心碎而死,作为戏剧效果看待。而当今医
本刊讯2010年1月15日,省人大常委会机关召开读书活动座谈会,省人大常委会主任欧广源参加座谈会并讲话,省人大常委会秘书长崔健, On January 15, 2010, the Provincial Peopl