青花妙彩(下篇) 引言

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本刊上期推出的青花瓷专题“青花妙彩”上篇受到了读者的热情欢迎,本期刊发下篇,继续阐述不同的学术观点,并将青花瓷的范围延伸到云南明代地方青花、民国龙泉窑青花、越南古代青花瓷等青花瓷周边领域,同时介绍一批民间收藏的元青花瓷画。对青花瓷这一瓷器中的重要品种,近年随着新的考古资料与海内外收藏资料的公布,青花瓷爱好者获得了更多的重要参照资料,然而悬疑依然存在。宋代作为青花瓷演变中的重要时期,可靠的研究资料目前仍很匮乏。近年接到的一些来稿表明,很多收藏爱好者往往将明清乃至近年地方窑口生产的青花瓷误断为宋青花瓷。需要提醒青花古瓷收藏者注意的是,有多位读者来信介绍各地“搭车卖假”的情况开始多见,即将新仿瓷器与古代真品文物等物证搭配出售,伪称墓葬伴随出土,这种搭真售假的新动态值得警惕。 The issue of blue-and-white porcelain issue published in this issue of “blue and white wonderful color” on the article by the reader’s warm welcome, the issue of the second issue, continue to elaborate on different academic point of view, and the scope of blue and white porcelain extended to the local blue and white in the Ming Dynasty in Yunnan Province, Longquan kiln blue and white, blue and white porcelain and other ancient blue and white porcelain surrounding areas, at the same time introduce a number of folk collection of Yuan blue and white porcelain paintings. As for the important varieties of blue and white porcelain, in recent years, with the publication of new archaeological materials and the collection of materials at home and abroad, blue-and-white porcelain fans have obtained more important reference materials, however, the suspense still exists. Song Dynasty as an important period of the evolution of blue and white porcelain, reliable research materials are still scarce. Some contributions received in recent years show that many collectors often mistakenly identify the blue-and-white porcelain produced in the kilns at the mouth of the Ming and Qing dynasties as well as in recent years as Song and Hua porcelain. Need to remind the blue and white porcelain collectors attention is that there are a number of readers to introduce letters around the “Ride and sell fake ” the situation began more common, about the new imitation porcelain and ancient real artifacts and other physical evidence with the sale, falsely associated with the unearthed tombs, This new truth about take-home sales is worth wary.
[摘 要]本文从R.V公司实际构建并正在实施的全过程造价管理模式出发,详细地阐述了概念、模式构建的依据、模式内容、组织体系及职责划分、纪律制度等方面。希望能够对同类型公司实施全过程造价管理提供参考。  [关键词]项目成本管理 造价 模式  一、公司建设项目全过程造价管理概念的界定  建设项目全过程造价管理是指在建设项目实施过程中,自设计方案技术经济论证起、到项目竣工结算审查止,对各阶段涉及造价咨询
诚轩09秋拍钱币专场是历年来规模最大的一次,共计拍品近3000件,分三个专场,总成交额达3400余万元,创历史最好成绩。  古钱、银锭、机制币专场共取得总成交额1599万元,成交率高达85%。  其中,古钱成绩好于历次,在上拍的295件拍品中,成交266件,成交率高达90%。一把战国齐国“齐造邦长法化”六字刀,最终以超过估价四倍的56万元成效。另一枚清宝福局“咸丰重宝”当五外计重二钱五分,最后以2