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江苏,的确是教育论文的大省,无可争辩。2014年,邢红军等学者通过实证研究的方法,以中国知网2003年至2012年收录的论文为数据,统计了江苏与北京两地中学教师人均发表论文数量比值为2.22(见《教育学术月刊》2014年第6期《北京市中学教师专业发展水平的实证研究及其启示——基于北京江苏两省市的比较》),也就是说,江苏教师这十年中人均发表论文是北京的两倍以上。今天,本栏目发表的《论文大省背后的教师生态》一文的作者梁溪客老师则是从三本语文刊物的抽样中得出了类似的结论:江苏教师写论文的欲望与能力,足以让全国的“小伙伴们惊呆”。但是,两者对于论文的价值与意义的认识就大相径庭了。邢红军等学者认为,“教师的教学论文不仅反映了教师对教学的理解,并且还是教师水平的一种投射。”因此,“论文就成为衡量教师专业发展水平最为标准、最具说服力的科学标度。”而梁溪客老师对此并不认同:“北京、上海的基础教育并不比江苏弱,为何他们的教师论文就写不过江苏的教师呢?到底是他们不正常,还是我们不正常?”“中小学教师的我们,千万不要忘记了自己的教育对象,忘记了自己的教学使命,抢种‘学者’的田,荒了自家的地。”两种观点孰是孰非,欢迎读者在阅读与思考之后发表自己的见解。 Jiangsu is indeed a province of education papers, indisputable. In 2014, Xing Hongjun and other scholars adopted the empirical research method and the papers collected by CNKI from 2003 to 2012 as the data. The ratio of number of papers published by secondary school teachers in Jiangsu and Beijing was 2.22 (see Education Monthly “2014 the sixth period” Beijing middle school teacher professional development level of empirical research and its implications - based on the comparison of Jiangsu and Jiangsu Provinces of two provinces and cities “), that is, Jiangsu teachers in the past decade published papers per capita is Beijing’s two Times more. Today, Liang Xi-ke, the author of the article entitled ”Teacher Ecology Behind a Large Province in Dissertations,“ came out with similar conclusions from the sample of three Chinese-language publications: The desire and ability of Jiangsu teachers to write essays is sufficient for the entire nation ”Friends are shocked “. However, their understanding of the value and meaning of the essay is very different. Xing Hongjun and other scholars believe that ”the teaching of teachers not only reflects the teacher’s understanding of teaching, and is also a projection of the level of teachers.“ Therefore, ”the paper has become the measure of professional standards of teachers, the most standard and most convincing The scientific standard of power. “” However, Teacher Liang Xi-ke disagreed with this: “Beijing and Shanghai have no more basic education than those in Jiangsu. Why do they write teachers’ essays on Jiangsu teachers? Are they abnormal? Or are they We are not normal? ”“ Primary and secondary school teachers, we must not forget their own education, forget their own teaching mission, rush to cultivate ’scholars’ field, waste their own land. ” What is right and wrong, welcome readers to express their views after reading and thinking.
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