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文化产业是新兴产业,而我国的文化产业发展相对缓慢,其根本原因就是文化产业高层次人才培养的滞后性。现阶段我国大力发展文化产业,正式从根本上改变这一现象的大好时机,为此,构建和完善文化产业经营管理本科实践性教育环节,加强文化产业专业人才的培养成为了现阶段高校需要重视的焦点。在加强实践性教学环节的构建的过程中,坚持以人为本、全面发展的基本思想,不断改变以往的教学模式,按照市场对人才的需求,以培养学生能为为重点,构建理论实践相结合而又适应高校文化产业经营管理的实践教学新体系。 Cultural industry is a new industry, while the development of China’s cultural industry is relatively slow, the fundamental reason is the cultural industry lagging behind the cultivation of high-level personnel. At this stage our country vigorously develop the cultural industry, officially a fundamental opportunity to change this phenomenon a good time to this end, to establish and improve cultural industry management undergraduate practical education links, to strengthen the cultivation of cultural industry professionals has become the current need to pay attention to colleges and universities Focus. In the course of strengthening the construction of practical teaching links, we should adhere to the basic idea of ​​“people-oriented and all-round development”, and constantly change the previous teaching mode. In accordance with the market demand for qualified personnel, we should train students to focus on the combination of theoretical practice and practice A New Practical Teaching System Adapted to the Management of Cultural Industry in Universities.
流动的故乡  那里的每一条河流  都有自己的姓氏  那里的每一片瓦砾  都有自己的户籍  那里的每一只飞鸟  都有自己的宗族  那里的每一棵野草  都延续着故乡的根系  暮色之中  村庄孤单 从容  恪守着原初的寂静  而远飞的鸟  长眠在异乡的枝桠上  消失的祖坟  鲁北平原那块田地  覆盖在另一块田地之上  它与周围的土壤合为一体  全无当年拼接的痕迹  每次来到这里  我都无法止住 天然的羞
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2014年5月15日,新加坡的医疗工作者鄞义林在博客上发表了一篇《新加坡人,你的公积金去哪儿了?》的博文,在这篇文章中鄞义林影射新加坡总理身兼新加坡政府投资公司主席职务的李显龙在民众不知情的情况下,将当地居民缴纳的公积金挪作他用。此文一经发布,立即引来了大批新加坡网民的围观,跟帖无数,民众纷纷要求李显龙就公积金一事给他们一个合理的交待。  此事发生后,迅速震惊了新加坡总理李显龙。新加坡官员的清廉度
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