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中国人民进行艰苦卓越的八年抗日战争,是国际反法西斯战争的组成部分.在这场关系中华民族存亡续绝、世界历史光明与黑暗的斗争中,华侨发扬了优良的爱国传统和反帝斗争传统,为支援祖国抗战,踊跃捐款献物,甚至回国参加抗日义勇军,在中国抗日战争史上写下了极其光辉的一页.在历史上,华侨大都是由于国内封建统治者残酷的经济压榨和政治迫害而背井离乡、远涉重洋谋生的劳动人民.他们在海外寄人篱下,数百年来受尽侨居国政府的压迫和欺侮.他们深感到,没有强盛的祖国.也就没有海外的一切.正是这种爱国主义精神,推动他们积极支持和参加祖的抗日战争.“七·七”芦沟桥的炮声,震惊了海外侨胞.他们沉痛感到;外敌入侵.中华民族涉临生死存亡的关键时刻.长期蕴藏在他们心头的爱国主义热情,象火山一样喷发出来.华侨积极响应祖国的召唤,在赴后继.英勇打击日本侵略者.为抗日民族解放战争的胜利.建立了不朽的功勋.在经济上,抗日战争爆发后,海外侨胞节衣缩食,慷慨解囊,热情支持祖国抗战.东南亚爱国侨领陈嘉庚等,到处奔走.联络各界人士,先后组织了“马来亚、新加坡华侨筹赈祖国伤兵难民大会委员会”和“南洋华侨筹赈祖国难民总会”,积极开展募捐款项的活动,源源不断地将巨款和物资寄回祖国.“南侨总会”在抗战的头三年中, The Chinese people’s arduous and excellent eight-year anti-Japanese war is an integral part of the international anti-fascist war and the overseas Chinese have carried forward their fine patriotic traditions and anti-imperialist struggles in this ongoing struggle that linked the continued survival of the Chinese nation and the light and darkness of world history Traditionally, in support of the motherland’s war of resistance, enthusiastically donated gifts and even returned to join the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, he wrote an extremely glorious page in the history of the Anti-Japanese War in China. Historically, most overseas Chinese were driven by the brutal economic squeeze and politics of the domestic feudal rulers They persecuted and displaced their countrymen, far from working people who make a living in the oceans, who for centuries have been oppressed and bullied by the government of the host countries for living abroad for many years, and they feel that there is no such thing as a strong motherland and no overseas ones. S Republic of China, advocating the spirit of patriotism and pushing them to actively support and participate in the ancestral anti-Japanese war. “The gunshots of the” Lugou Bridge “of” July 7 “have shocked overseas compatriots. They feel painfully and invading foreign enemies. The passion of patriotism hidden in their hearts erupted like a volcano, and overseas Chinese responded positively to the call of the motherland and went on to follow. Courageously attacked the Japanese invaders, established the immortal meritorious service for the victory of the Anti-Japanese National Liberation War, and economically, overseas Chinese compatriots were able to save and spare lives, generously support the war of motherland, and Chen Jiageng, a patriotic overseas Chinese from Southeast Asia, ran around To contact people from all walks of life and successively organized ”Malayan and Singapore Overseas Chinese to Assist and Dismember the Wages and Refugees of the Motherland Commission“ and ”Nanyang Overseas Chinese to Relieve the Funds for the Motherland“, and actively carry out fund-raising activities, a steady stream of large sums of money and Materials sent back to the motherland. ”South Overseas Chinese Association" In the first three years of the war,
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