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听说刘舰平的名字,是在一九八三年,他的《船过青浪滩》获全国优秀短篇小说奖。那时,我在中原腹地,他在湘沅之滨。待到见到刘舰平,已经是十多年后,我们俩都来到天涯海角。人生际遇,说来就像那水中的一片月,月下的一缕云,冥冥中支拨我辈草木之人的,恐怕就只有宿命,以及缘份。 舰平的这部印得十分精致漂亮的小说集,收录了他这十多年里写下的近三十个短篇、中篇,我并不全都喜欢。其中,使我感动,倾心,乃至佩服不已的,是他小说中写到的那些女人。舰平很会写女人。 舰平笔下的那些女人,无论是“手臂白皙搂着夕阳水花四溅扑进一潭清澈”的乡村女教师,还是“荡漾着月光的明眸”“从朦胧的空旷中如萤如蝶,飘然走来”的 I heard that the name of Liu Ping, was in 1983, his “Boat Blue Sea Beach” won the national outstanding short story award. At that time, I was in the hinterland of the Central Plains, where he was on the Xiang Yuan. Until I see Liu Ping, is already more than 10 years later, we both came to the ends of the earth. Life experience, it is like that water in a month, a ray of clouds under the moon, some people who support my generation of vegetation, I am afraid only fate, and fate. Ship flat this very beautiful and very beautiful print collection contains his more than a decade wrote nearly thirty short, medium, I do not all like it. Among them, I touched, enamored, and even admired, is the woman he wrote in the novel. Ship flat will write a woman. Shipwreck under the pen of those women, whether it is “arm white sunset surrounded by a splash of water into a pool of clear” rural female teachers, or “clear the moon with a bright eye” “from the hazy open such as fireflies butterflies, floating in the air Come ”
We investigate the superposition properties of the dipole and quadrupole plasmon modes in the near field both experimentally, by using photoemission electron mi
本文总结了慢性炎性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病(CIDP)67例的临床表现,并比较了其对血浆置换(PE)、静脉输入丙种球蛋白(IVIG)、强的松三种常规治疗的反应。 This article summari