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前年底,根据市委、市政府提出的坚持以经济建设为中心,坚持“三个再一些”(再开放一些,再放开一些,再抓实一些)的方针和我市档案工作面临的新形势,我们在总结经验、调查研究的基础上,经和市计经委、市科委、市财政局领导商定,推出了档案工作为振兴沈阳经济服务的“五一·二”工程。即,围绕为对外开放服务、为产品的开发及销售服务、为传统产业及老工业基地技术改造服务分别开发档案信息资源100项,转让科技成果100项,在100户企业建立行业企业情况档案资料,全市291户大中型工业企业 At the end of the previous year, according to the guidelines put forward by the municipal party committee and municipal government in adhering to the principle of taking economic construction as the center and adhering to the principle of “three more and some” (reopening some, letting go and re-implementing some) and the archives work in our city On the basis of summing up experience, investigation and research, we agreed upon by leaders of the Municipal Economic Commission, Municipal Commission of Science and Technology and Municipal Finance Bureau and launched the “May 1, 2” project of archival work to revitalize Shenyang’s economy. That is, around the opening up for the outside world, product development and sales services for the traditional industries and the transformation of old industrial bases, respectively, the development of archive information resources 100, the transfer of scientific and technological achievements 100, 100 enterprises in the establishment of industry and business archive data , The city’s 291 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises
当我们在自己小圈子里梦呓的时候,有一群人也用另外的方式界定着自身。 When we were dreaming in our own little circle, a group of people defined themselves in other
这本书的作者王景山先生 ,是我老师辈的学者 ,中国现代文学教授 ,鲁迅研究专家。他从就读西南联大、毕业于北京大学以来的漫长经历 ,———在抗日战争、解放战争以及新中国诞
少年勤奋有奇才,东渡扶桑为国柞,誓歼外寇无犹像,今朝改革华夏富,吊陈天华@刘长伟 Juvenile hard-working Wizards, Dongdu Fuso for the country oak, vow to annihilate t
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The oxidation kinetics,structural changes,and elements migration during the oxidation process of the vanadium-titanium magnetite(VTM)ore were analyzed.Kinetics