党的“十四大”提出建立社会主义市场经济体制,去年决定放开煤炭价格,计划用二、三年时间全部放开指令性煤价,取消对煤矿企业的亏损补贴,把煤矿企业推向市场,在市场竞争中自主经营,自负盈亏,自我积累,自我发展。这是把国有煤矿企业推向市场的重大政策,也是从计划经济逐步走向市场经济的重要途径。 煤炭价格是影响国计民生的大事。煤价的变动是非常敏感的,在计划经济时期,宁要国家补贴,也不调高煤价。这就是计划经济的原则。近些年来,煤炭价格虽然进
The Party’s “14th National Congress” proposed the establishment of a socialist market economic system. Last year it decided to liberalize coal prices. It plans to release the mandatory coal price in two to three years, cancel the loss subsidies for coal mining companies, and push coal mining companies to The market operates autonomously in market competition, assumes its own profits and losses, self-accumulates, and self-development. This is a major policy for bringing state-owned coal mining companies to market, and it is also an important way to gradually move from a planned economy to a market economy. The price of coal is a major issue that affects the national economy and people’s livelihood. The change in coal prices is very sensitive. In the planned economy period, it prefers state subsidies and does not increase coal prices. This is the principle of the planned economy. In recent years, coal prices have advanced