苏丹草(Sorghum sudanense)具有很强的抗旱能力,并且生长快,再生性强,牲畜爱吃,是目前干旱地区栽培最广泛的一年生禾草。为了探讨在干旱地区旱作条件下主要气象因子对其产草量的影响,为趋利避害发挥优势提高产草量提供依据,现就仅有资料作初步分析。一、资料来源我站地处宁夏回族自治区盐池县南部黄土高原和鄂尔多斯台地的交界地带,海拔1500米,灰钙土壤,地下水位极深。每年播种苏丹草数百亩,多年来品种和生产水平无
Sorghum sudanense has strong drought resistance, fast growth, strong regenerative ability and livestock love. It is the most widely cultivated annual grass in arid regions at present. In order to explore the impact of main meteorological factors on the yield of grass under drought conditions in arid areas and provide the basis for taking advantage of the advantages and increasing the yield of grasslands in the arid region, only the data are preliminary analyzed. I. DATA SOURCES I station is located in the junction of loess plateau and Erdos platform in the southern part of Yanchi County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, at an elevation of 1,500 meters. The soil of ash and calcium has a very deep groundwater level. Sudan grass sowing hundreds of acres every year, over the years the variety and production levels without