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为研究一般大气环境下受酸雨侵蚀RC框架梁的抗震性能,在人工气候模拟实验室对7个剪跨比为2.5的RC框架梁试件进行人工模拟酸雨环境(PH=3.0)加速侵蚀试验,随后对其进行拟静力试验,得到不同钢筋锈蚀程度和配箍率下框架梁抗震性能的衰减规律。结果表明:酸雨侵蚀初期,酸化深度较小时,钢筋尚未锈蚀,试件的承载力、刚度、延性和耗能能力略有增加;酸雨侵蚀后期,酸化深度接近钢筋表面时,钢筋开始锈蚀,且锈蚀程度随酸化深度的增大不断加重;随钢筋锈蚀率的增大,试件的强度、刚度、延性和耗能能力均发生不同程度的退化,表现为构件的承载力和变形能力下降;锈蚀程度相近时,随着配箍率的减小,试件的承载力和刚度不断减小,延性和变形恢复力也逐渐降低,抗震能力变弱。 In order to study the seismic performance of RC frame beams exposed to acid rain under general atmospheric conditions, seven RC frame beam specimens with a shear-span ratio of 2.5 were subjected to artificial simulated acid rain (PH = 3.0) accelerated erosion test in a manual climate simulation laboratory. Then the quasi-static test was carried out to obtain the attenuation law of the seismic performance of the frame beam with different degree of reinforcement corrosion and stirrup ratio. The results show that when the depth of acidification is small, the steel bar has not yet been corroded, and the bearing capacity, stiffness, ductility and energy dissipation capacity increase slightly. In the later stage of acid rain, when the depth of acidification is close to the surface of rebar, With the increase of the depth of acidification, the degree increases with the increase of the corrosion rate. With the increase of the corrosion rate, the strength, stiffness, ductility and energy dissipation capacity of the specimens all deteriorate in different degrees, which shows that the bearing capacity and deformation capacity of the specimens decrease; When the fitting ratio decreases, the bearing capacity and stiffness of the specimen decrease, the ductility and deformation resilience decrease gradually, and the seismic resistance becomes weaker.
摘要:如何开展课堂教学成为新课改背景下我们必须探讨的重要话题。新课改教学过程中难免会出现一些认识上的偏差,导致课堂教学行为走入误区。本文通过一些典型问题的分析,对新课改下高中政治教学的几个问题提出了建议。   关键词:新课标 政治课堂 教学 初探    一、教学理念的转变    传统教学中存在“重知识内容和结论,轻学习过程和学习方法”“重认知教学轻情感、意志和价值观的培养”的问题。新课程改革针对这
《晏子春秋》景公筑路寝之台,三年未息。又为长之役①,二年未息。又为邹之长涂。晏子谏曰:“百姓之力勤矣!公不息乎?”公曰:“涂将成矣,请成而息之。” “Yan Zi Chun Qiu”