头屯河农场位于乌鲁木齐西郊、头屯河上游,土层只有40—60厘米厚,结构轻松,有机质含量低于1%,原始肥力低下。农田坡度达16—20/1000。一九五一年开始垦荒生产,由于对当地客观条件认识不足,农业技术措施不当,水土流失严重,作物产量不高。 一九五六年总结历年经验,进行了土地规划,并逐步实现以苜蓿轮作和细流沟灌为中心的农业技术改造,因而作物逐年增产:并出现
Toutunhe Farm is located in the western outskirts of Urumqi, the upper reaches of Toutun River. The soil layer is only 40-60 cm thick. The structure is easy, the organic matter content is less than 1% and the original fertility is low. Farmland slope up to 16-20 / 1000. Land reclamation and reclamation started in 1951. Due to lack of understanding of the objective conditions of the area, improper technical measures for agriculture, serious soil erosion and poor crop yields. In 1956, we summed up the experience of the past years, conducted land planning and gradually implemented the technological transformation of agriculture centered on alfalfa rotation and trickle irrigation, thus increasing the crop year by year and appearing